All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP) - FY 2024
Agency: | U.S. Department of Transportation |
CFDA: | 20.533 |
Federal FON: | FTA–2024–001–TPM–ASAP |
Office: | Office of Program Management Federal Transit Administration (FTA) |
Multipart Grant: | No |
Next Due: | 01/30/2024 (Application) |
Solicitation Date: | 11/30/2023 |
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | $343,000,000 (Estimated) |
The purpose of this program is to support public transportation rail station accessibility projects for legacy stations. Funding will support capital projects to upgrade the accessibility of legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems, such as subway, commuter rail, and light rail, for persons with disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs, by increasing the number of existing stations or facilities, such as outdoor light-rail boarding and alighting areas, that are fully accessible. For purposes of this program, "fully accessible’’ is defined as all of the passenger-use publicly accessible areas in the station or facilities for passenger use that meet or exceed the standards for new construction under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
For the purposes of this program, legacy stations are defined as public transportation stations that have been already constructed or where construction began prior to January 25, 1992, or commuter rail stations already constructed or where construction began prior to October 7, 1991, that were not identified as key stations and remain inaccessible to or usable by persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users.
Projects in the following categories will be supported:
- Capital projects to repair, improve, modify, retrofit, or relocate infrastructure of stations or facilities for passenger use, including load-bearing members that are an essential part of the structural frame
- Planning projects to develop or modify a plan for pursuing public transportation accessibility projects, assessments of accessibility, or assessments of planned modifications to stations or facilities for passenger use projects, or programs of projects in an eligible area
The funding agency seeks projects that create proportional impacts to all populations in a project area, remove transportation-related disparities to all populations in a project area, and increase equitable access to project benefits.
Program funding will support wealth creation and the creation of good-paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union and the incorporation of strong labor standards and training and placement programs, especially registered apprenticeships, in project planning stages.
Projects will be rated higher if they meet either of the following criteria:
- Propose to exceed the construction standards by providing multiple paths of travel for people with physical disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs, or technologies to improve accessibility for people with sensory or cognitive disabilities, as examples
- Demonstrate how the passenger stations or facilities proposed for investment were selected from a stakeholder engagement process with local disability community members and organizations, including individuals with physical disabilities (including those who use wheelchairs), sensory disabilities, and intellectual or developmental disabilities
Priority consideration will be given to projects that meet one or both of the following criteria:
- Support workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation
- Support the Justice40 initiative
All projects must be consistent with local and regional long-range planning documents and local government priorities. Selected projects must be incorporated into the long-range plans and transportation improvement programs of states and metropolitan areas before they are eligible for funding.
An optional webinar is scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.
Last Updated: January 06, 2025
Eligibility Notes:
Eligible applicants are:
- Designated recipients that operate or allocate funds to legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems
- States, including the District of Columbia and territories, and local governmental entities that operate or financially support legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation systems and corresponding legacy stations/facilities
For the purposes of this program, legacy stations are defined as public transportation stations that have been already constructed or where construction began prior to January 25, 1992, or commuter rail stations already constructed or where construction began prior to October 7, 1991, that were not identified as key stations and remain inaccessible to or usable by persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users.
No more than one supplemental form will be accepted per SF 424 Form submission. Applicants are encouraged to submit a single supplemental form that includes multiple activities to be evaluated as a consolidated application. Applicants that choose to submit separate applications for individual consideration must submit a separate SF 424 Form and supplemental form for each application.
Applicants that are applying for both a planning and construction project must submit a separate application for each project.
Previous award recipients include:
- Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY)
- Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PA)
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) (CA)
- New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ)
- Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (OH)
Refer to the Award file for additional information regarding previous award recipients.
Eligible Applicants:
Local GovernmentState Government
Application Notes:
Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on January 30, 2024.
Prior to submitting an application, applicants are encouraged to notify the appropriate state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in areas likely to be served by funding provided through this program.
Applications must be submitted online at Hard-copy, emailed, or faxed submissions will not be accepted.
Applications must include:
- SF 424:
- Applicant and contact information
- Project information
- Detailed description of the need for the project
- Detailed description on how the project will support program objectives
- Evidence that the project is consistent with local and regional planning documents
- Evidence that the applicant can provide the local cost share
- Description of the technical, legal, and financial capacity of the applicant
- Detailed project budget
- Explanation of the scalability of the project
- Details of local matching funds and any other federal awards awarded or applied for
- Detailed project timeline
- System map and listing of accessible versus inaccessible stations, and which station(s) are proposed for upgrade
- lobbying form
- Supplemental form:
- Applicant information
- Project information
- Evaluation criteria
- Additional considerations
- Other supporting documentation (optional):
- Letters of support
- Project budgets
- Accessibility information
- Excerpts from relevant planning documents
The following are required in order to submit an application:
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
- SAM (System for Award Management) registration
Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at
An optional webinar for this program is scheduled as follows:
December 19, 2023
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Demonstration of need
- Demonstration of benefits
- Planning and local or regional prioritization
- Local financial commitment
- Project implementation strategy
- Technical, legal, and financial capacity
Refer to the NOFA and SupplementalForm files for additional application information.
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | $343,000,000 (Estimated) |
Match Notes:
Applicants must provide at least 20 percent of the total project cost via nonfederal cash and/or in-kind contributions.
Eligible types of matching contributions include:
- State or local government revenues and cash from non-government sources other than revenues from providing public transportation services
- Revenues derived from the sale of advertising and concessions
- Amounts received under a service agreement with a state or local social service agency or private social service organization
- Revenues generated from value capture financing mechanisms
- Funds from an undistributed cash surplus
- Replacement or depreciation cash fund or reserve
- New capital
- Transportation development credits and other in-kind contributions
Funding Notes:
Approximately $343 million is available to support awards through this program.
Funds will be available for obligation for three fiscal years following award announcement. Additional consideration will be given to projects that can obligate funds within 12 months of funding selection and be implemented in a reasonable time frame.
Funds may not be used for:
- Costs incurred prior to award agreement, unless the funding agency has issued pre-award authority
- Upgrading a station or facility for passenger use that is already accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities, including those that use wheelchairs, at the time the station or passenger facility was originally constructed or upgraded
- Upgrading a station previously identified as one already required to be accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, including those that use wheelchairs
- Projects that do not result in full accessibility consistent with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and usability by persons with disabilities
- Projects for maintenance or repair activities for elements of existing accessible stations or passenger facilities that are otherwise subject to ongoing maintenance requirements under Title 49, Section 37.161(a) of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Maintenance and repair activities for stations altered through this program
For FY 2024, a total of $343 million was distributed via eight awards ranging from to $1,395,330 to $156,503,053 through this program. For FY 2022, a total of $686 million was distributed via 15 awards ranging from to $1.4 million to $254,466,278. Refer to the Award file for details.
Kevin Osborn
Program Manager
(202) 366-7519
Agency Address
U.S. Department of Transportation
Office of Program Management
Federal Transit Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C. 20590
Contact Notes:
Questions should be directed to Kevin Osborn. A list of questions and answers will be posted online at
Applications must be submitted online at
The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.
NOFA File: US17516_NOFA_FY2024.pdf (281.3 Kb)Other Pre-Award File: US17516_Announcement_FY2024.pdf (43.3 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17516_Overview_FY2024.pdf (209.6 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17516_SupplementalForm_FY2024.pdf (496.1 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17516_Webinar_FY2024.pdf (117.8 Kb)
Award File: US17516_Award_FY2024.pdf (199.3 Kb)
File Notes:
The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Announcement file contains the announcement for the solicitation for this program. The Overview file contains general program information, including information regarding eligible project activities. The SupplementalForm file contains the required supplemental form for the application. The Webinar file contains information regarding the optional webinar scheduled for this program. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients.
January 6, 2025
Information regarding awards through this program has been released and appended to the Award file. A sample of award recipients has been added to the Eligibility section, and a brief summary of the awards has been added to the Financial section.
December 8, 2023
Information regarding an optional webinar scheduled for this program has been released and attached as the Webinar file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.
Grant Keywords
All Stations Accessibility Program, DOT, FTA, ASAP, local government, state government, territory, territories, public transportation, rail, legacy station, legacy rail fixed guideway public transportation system, transportation system, public transportation system, public transit, subway, commuter rail, light rail, accessibility, ADA, Title II, Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Americans with Disabilities Act, wheelchair, wheelchair accessible, passenger, passenger use, public transportation station, repair, improve, upgrade, retrofit, relocate, construct, construction, build, capital project, infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, plan, planning, assessment, modification, assess, transportation, transport, FDOT, USDOT, commute, commuter, facility, mobility disadvantaged, transportation disadvantaged, accessible, mass transit, public transport, rapid transit, transit, people mover, rail station, railway station, station, subway station, intercity rail, regional rail, ramp, reconstruct, reconstruction, redevelopment, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, renovate, renovation, handicapped, disability accommodation, disabled individuals, disabilities, African American, Asian American, American Indian, Asian Pacific Islander, Black, disadvantaged, ethnic, Hispanic, minorities, minority, Latino, Native American, tribe, tribal, minority population, people of color, underserved, blind, blindness, deaf, deafness, disability, disabled, hard of hearing, visual impairment, visually impaired, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Office of Program ManagementGrant Categories
Community DevelopmentHuman Services