Grant Details

Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) Program - FY 2024

Agency: U.S. Department of Agriculture
CFDA: 10.351, 10.760, 10.766, 10.768, 10.863
Office: Rural Business - Cooperative Service (RBS) Rural Housing Service (RHS) Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: Varies
Solicitation Date: Unknown
Match Required: Recommended
Match Type: Cash/In-Kind
Actual Funds: Unspecified

The purpose of this program is to support projects that promote and implement strategic community investment plans that will advance the prosperity of rural communities. Rather than providing monetary awards, this program awards priority points to projects that support the implementation of strategic community investment plans on a multijurisdictional and multisectoral basis that will be considered during the application evaluation process for the following programs:

  • Community Facility Loans
  • Community Facilities Grants, known in eCivis Grants Network as US1977
  • Community Facilities Guaranteed Loans, known as US1978
  • Water and Waste Disposal Programs Guaranteed Loans
  • Water and Waste Loans and Grants, known as US0485
  • Rural Business Development Grants, known as US15723

Applicants awarded priority points will be considered for set-aside funding in the form of guaranteed loans, direct loans, or grants under the applicable underlying program.

Eligible projects must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet the project eligibility criteria of the applicable underlying program listed above
  • Support the implementation of a strategic community investment plan on a multijurisdictional and multisectoral basis

Strategic community investment plans must include the following components:

  • A variety of activities designed to facilitate the vision of a rural community for the future, including considerations for improving and expanding broadband services as needed
  • Participation by multiple stakeholders, including local and regional partners
  • Leverage of applicable regional resources
  • Investment from strategic partners, such as private organizations, cooperatives, other government entities, Indian tribes, and philanthropic organizations
  • Clear objectives with the ability to establish measurable performance metrics
  • Action steps for implementation
  • Any other elements necessary to ensure that the plan results in a comprehensive and strategic approach to rural economic development, as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture

The funding agency encourages applicants to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities:

  • Assisting rural communities in recovering economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure
  • Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to USDA-RD programs and benefits from RD-funded projects
  • Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities

Projects must be carried out in rural areas. For the purposes of this program, projects must be physically located in a rural area, or all beneficiaries of the services provided through the project must either reside in, or be located in, a rural area.

An optional webinar is scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.

Last Updated: April 12, 2024

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are entities that meet the following requirements:

  • The applicant must meet the project eligibility requirements of the applicable underlying program listed in the Summary section
  • The applicant must propose a project that supports the implementation of a strategic community investment plan on a multijurisdictional and multisectoral basis

Projects must be carried out in rural areas. For the purposes of this program, projects must be physically located in a rural area, or all beneficiaries of the services provided through the project must either reside in, or be located in, a rural area.

Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
Academic Institutions
Native American Tribe
Non Profits
Private Sector
State Government
Tribal Organizations/Institutions
Application Notes:

Applications must be submitted by the applicable application deadline for the applicable underlying program listed in the Summary section.

Prior to submission of the application, applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate rural development state office listed online at to review the proposed strategic community investment plan.

In general, applications must be submitted to the appropriate rural development state office listed online at that serves the area where the project is located. Water and Waste Loans and Grant Program applicants must submit applications online at For applicants that have been assigned a OneRD Loan Guarantee Initiative customer relationship manager (CRM), applications must be submitted to their assigned CRM. Additional information regarding the OneRD Loan Guarantee Initiative can be found online at

Applications must include:

  • RD 1980-88 Form:
    • Applicant information
    • Strategic community investment plan information
    • Project information
    • Scoring information for Section 6401
    • Agency coordination
    • Certification of documentation and acceptance
  • Attachments:
    • Table of contents
    • Letter from the appropriate entities with jurisdiction over the strategic community investment plan
    • Plan objectives
    • Previous program applications

The following are required in order to submit an application:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

An optional webinar is scheduled for this program as follows:

March 12, 2024
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

A recording of the webinar can be viewed online at

Applicants that submit an RD 1980-88 Form will be awarded additional priority points, as follows:

  • Objectives of the plan (10 points)
  • Characteristics of a plan (10 points)

Refer to the NOFA, ProgramRule, and Application files for additional application information.

Match Required: Recommended
Match Type: Cash/In-Kind
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Match Notes:

There are no stated matching requirements for this program; however, indication of whether the proposed strategic community investment plan demonstrates an understanding of the applicable regional asset resources and includes leveraging of those resources, including cultural resources, natural resources, human resources, infrastructure, and financial resources, will be considered during the application evaluation process for the applicable underlying program listed in the Summary section.

All matching requirements for the applicable underlying program listed in the Summary section will remain applicable.

Funding Notes:

Rather than providing monetary awards, this program awards priority points to projects that support the implementation of strategic community investment plans on a multijurisdictional and multisectoral basis that will be considered during the application evaluation process for the programs listed below. Applicants awarded priority points will be considered for set-aside funding in the form of guaranteed loans, direct loans, or grants under the applicable underlying program. The amount of set-aside funding available will vary based on the percentage of funds being reserved for SECD funding under each eligible program, as follows:

  • Community Facility Loans: 10 percent of total funding available under this program will be set aside for SECD funding
  • Community Facilities Grants, known in eCivis Grants Network as US1977: 5 percent of total funding available under this program will be set aside for SECD funding
  • Community Facilities Guaranteed Loans, known as US1978: 5 percent of total funding available under this program will be set aside for SECD funding
  • Water and Waste Disposal Programs Guaranteed Loans: 10 percent of total funding available under this program will be set aside for SECD funding
  • Water and Waste Loans and Grants, known as US0485: 5 percent of total funding available for loans under this program will be set aside for SECD funding, and 3 percent of total funding available for grants under this program will be set aside for SECD funding
  • Rural Business Development Grants, known as US15723: 5 percent of total funding available for grants under this program will be set aside for SECD funding

Awards for SECD set-aside funding will be obligated by June 30, 2024.

Applicants may not use any awarded program funds for additional expenses incurred in preparing and submitting applications for this program.


Greg Batson
(573) 239-2945

Agency Address
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development
Innovation Center
STOP 0793, Rm. 6138
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20250

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to Greg Batson, the appropriate rural development state office listed online at, or, if applicable, the appropriate OneRD Loan Guarantee Initiative customer relationship manager (CRM).

In general, applications must be submitted to the appropriate rural development state office listed online at that serves the area where the project is located. Water and Waste Loans and Grant Program applicants must submit applications online at For applicants that have been assigned a OneRD Loan Guarantee Initiative CRM, applications must be submitted to their assigned CRM. Additional information regarding the OneRD Loan Guarantee Initiative can be found online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US15877_NOFA_FY2024.pdf (234.0 Kb)
Application File: US15877_Application_FY2024.PDF (4.5 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15877_Overview_FY2024.pdf (125.0 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15877_ProgramRule_FY2024.pdf (76.3 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15877_AppChecklist_FY2024.pdf (814.0 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15877_Webinar_FY2024.pdf (110.6 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Application file contains the form for submission. The Overview file contains a concise overview of this program, including contact information. The ProgramRule file contains portions of the Code of Federal Regulations that govern this program. The AppChecklist file contains the application checklist for this program. The Webinar file contains information regarding an optional webinar scheduled for this program.

April 12, 2024
A recording of the webinar for this program has been released, and a link to the presentation is available in the Application section.

February 28, 2024
Information regarding an optional webinar scheduled for this program has been released and attached as the Webinar file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.

Grant Keywords
Strategic Economic and Community Development Program, academic institution, local government, Native American Tribe, tribe, tribal, nonprofit organization, private sector, state government, tribal organization, USDA, RD, SECD, RBS, RHS, RUS, US1977, US1978, US0485, US6629, US15723, US1782, Farm Bill, Agriculture Act, rural, rural area, rural community, rural communities, strategic community investment plan, community investment plan, business, businesses, broadband, technology, technologies, internet, internet access, infrastructure, infrastructure development, economic development, economic growth, economy, community facility, community facilities, loan, direct loan, guaranteed loan, grant, multijurisdictional, multisectoral, multi-jurisdictional, multi-sectoral, commerce, commercialization, community investment, financial growth, profit, sustainability, sustainable, venture, financial planning, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, enterprise, capital investment, clean water, drinking water, pipe, piping, plumbing, water demand, water infrastructure, water resource, water quality, water supply, public health, public safety, sewage, sanitation, sanitary, sewer line, sewer system, waste treatment, city planning, investment, neighborhood revitalization, wastewater, waste water, computer, PC, coronavirus, corona virus, COVID-19, COVID, C-19, C19, virus, pandemic, epidemic
Grant Categories
Community Development
Disaster Preparedness
Economic Development
Information Technology/Telecommunications
Rural Issues
Water Supply/Quality