Grant Details

Pollinator-Friendly Practices on Roadsides and Highway Rights-of-Way Program (Roadside Pollinator Program) - FY 2023

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
CFDA: 20.205
Federal FON: 693JJ324NF00015
Office: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: 07/18/2024 (Application)
Solicitation Date: 04/08/2024
Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Range: $3,000,000 (Max)
Award Range: $150,000 (Max)

The purpose of this program is to fund the implementation of pollinator-friendly practices (PFPs) included in a Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plan or the improvement or further development of a Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plan on roadsides and highway rights-of-way on routes eligible for federal aid. By acting as refugia for pollinators in otherwise inhospitable landscapes, roadside habitat can contribute to the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and provision of ecological services such as crop pollination services.

All PFPs to be implemented using program funds must fit into one or more of the following nine categories:

  • Category 1: pollinator-friendly mowing strategies: implementation of mowing strategies that promote early successional vegetation and limit disturbance during periods of highest use by target pollinator species on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
  • Category 2: implementation of an integrated vegetation management plan or Pollinator Friendly Practices Plan:
    • Implementing additional vegetation management practices found in an integrated vegetation management plan that promote early successional vegetation and limit disturbance during periods of highest use by target pollinator species on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
    • Implementing policies that reduce the negative impacts of herbicides on pollinators and non-target plants on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
    • Creating additional habitats on roadsides and highway rights-of-way that benefit pollinators
    • Monitoring, evaluating, and adaptive managing of pollinator habitat
  • Category 3: planting or seeding:
    • Salvaging, collecting, purchasing, planting, or seeding of native, locally appropriate grasses and wildflowers on roadsides and highway rights-of-way to enhance pollinator habitat
    • Carrying out site preparation to improve survival of native flowering plants on roadsides and highway rights-of-way to enhance pollinator habitat
    • Conducting maintenance during plant establishment on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
  • Category 4: safety: implementation of design, construction, or maintenance techniques to ensure that pollinator-friendly habitat is protected but does not negatively impact roadway safety
  • Category 5: obtaining expert training or assistance on pollinator-friendly practices:
    • Training staff on the role of roadsides in pollinator conservation; the implementation of management techniques that benefit pollinators; the role of native plants in ecosystems; the identification of native plants; incorporating design elements to benefit pollinators and establish and manage locally appropriate native plants; and pollinator-focused integrated vegetation management
    • Obtaining expert training or assistance on PFPs described in this section and pollinator-friendly topics
  • Category 6: outreach:
    • Implementing outreach strategies to increase public support for pollinator habitat on roadsides and highway rights-of-way, including signage
    • Coordinating with adjacent or nearby property owners and managers to roadsides and highway rights-of-way to promote pollinator habitat
  • Category 7: updating, improving, or further developing the Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plan: this may include updates and improvements to an applicant’s existing plan, such as general improvements and updates; increase in scope; incorporating changing conditions, new science, and increased collaboration; or other conditions that necessitate a plan update or improvement
  • Category 8: protecting existing habitat:
    • Performing inventories and identifying existing habitat for pollinators on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
    • Creating or maintaining an inventory database of pollinator habitat on roadsides and highway rights-of-way
  • Category 9: removing nonnative grasses from planting and seeding mixes: development of, or updates to, seed lists and mixes that remove or omit non-native species from planting and seeding mixes, except for use as nurse or cover crops

Funds must be used for the implementation of PFPs included in Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plans described in Categories 1-6 and 8-9, or the improvement or further development of Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plans as described in Category 7. For PFPs that fall under Categories 1-4, funds can be used for work only within the right-of-way (ROW) unless the award recipient can demonstrate that the area outside the ROW is adequately controlled via lease, easement, or ownership by the recipient.

An optional webinar is scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.

Last Updated: January 15, 2025

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are:

  • State departments of transportation (DOTs)
  • Indian tribes
  • Federal land management agencies (FLMAs)

For the purposes of this program, a state refers to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. A state DOT refers to the department of a state responsible for highway construction.

State DOT and FLMA applicants must include documentation of coordination with applicable state agencies, including state agencies with jurisdiction over agriculture and fish and wildlife, in the development of their Pollinator-Friendly Practices Plan. State DOT and FLMA applicants must also include documentation of consultation with affected or interested Indian tribes in the development of their plan. Any eligible applicant may also consult with nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, metropolitan planning organizations, and any other relevant entities in developing their plan.

Only one award will be provided per eligible applicant, regardless of the number of applications submitted. Therefore, the funding agency encourages the submission of only one application per applicant. Eligible applicants that elect to submit more than one application should rank their applications in order of priority.

FY 2023 award recipients include:

  • Illinois Department of Transportation (IL)
  • New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJ)
  • Ohio Department of Transportation (OH)
  • Oklahoma Department of Transportation (OK)

Refer to the Award file for additional information on FY 2023 award recipients.

Eligible Applicants:
Native American Tribe
State Government
Application Notes:

Applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on June 18, 2024.

The due date for the application has been extended to July 18, 2024. Additional information is included in the DueDateExt file.

Applications must be submitted online at

Applications must include:

  • SF 424
  • Application template
  • SF LLL
  • SF 424A or SF 424C (as applicable)
  • Map(s)

The following are required in order to submit an application:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

An optional webinar will be held for this program as follows:

April 29, 2024
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Audio portion: (669) 254-5252
Access code: 000029

A recording of the webinar held for this program can be found online at and accessed using the passcode "mt4gg^Yn."

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Merit criteria:
    • Overall benefits to pollinator species and habitats
    • Context and connectivity
    • Roadside pollinator project design and methods
    • Maintenance and management
  • Project readiness criteria:
    • Environmental review and permitting risk
    • Project risks and mitigation strategies
    • Technical assessment
    • Financial completeness

Refer to the NOFA and Application files for additional application information.

Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Range: $3,000,000 (Max)
Award Range: $150,000 (Max)
Match Notes:

Matching funds are not required for this program; however, applicants are expected to complete the roadside pollinator project for which they are applying, which may require the use of nonfederal or other federal funds.

Funding Notes:

Up to $3 million is available to support awards of up to $150,000 through this program. The size of the award will be based on the number of pollinator-friendly practices (PFPs) the applicant has implemented or plans to implement.

If the successful applicant is a state department of transportation (DOT), funds will be awarded upon the execution of a project agreement. If the successful applicant is a federal land management agency (FLMA) or Indian tribe, funds will be administered upon the execution of a grant agreement.

Funds must be obligated by September 30, 2026, and the last day for expenditures is September 30, 2031.

Funds may not be used for:

  • Acquiring a right-of-way (ROW)
  • Pre-award costs, unless authorized by the funding agency in writing
  • Supporting or opposing union organizing, whether directly or as an offset for other funds
  • Mitigation activities required as part of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) or other permitting requirements
  • Roadside Pollinator Projects involving non-native plant species
  • Development of a new pollinator-friendly practices plan

For FY 2023, 12 awards ranging from $134,382 to $150,000 were distributed through this program. Refer to the Award file for details.


Primary Contact:

Mishel R. McCants
Agreement Specialist
(202) 366-4004

Alternate Contact:

Hector R. Santamaria
Agreement Officer/Team Lead
(202) 493-2402

Agency Address
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20590

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to the appropriate program contact. Emailed questions are preferred, and applicants are encouraged to submit their questions by June 1, 2024. Answers to questions and requests for clarification will be posted online at,, and

Applications must be submitted online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US17720_NOFA_FY2023.pdf (561.7 Kb)
Application File: US17720_Application_FY2023.docx (74.2 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17720_Q&A_FY2023.pdf (505.2 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17720_DueDateExt_FY2023.pdf (5.1 Mb)
Award File: US17720_Award_FY2023.pdf (132.7 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Application file contains the required form for submission. The Q&A file contains a list of questions and answers regarding this program. The DueDateExt file contains the updated due date for the application. The Award file contains information on FY 2023 award recipients.

January 15, 2025
Information regarding awards through this program has been released and attached as the Award file. A sample of award recipients has been added to the Eligibility section, and a brief summary of the awards has been added to the Financial section.

June 18, 2024
An announcement concerning the changing of the due date for the application has been released and attached as the DueDateExt file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.

June 4, 2024
A list of questions and answers regarding this program has been released and attached as the Q&A file. The Financial section has been updated accordingly.

May 22, 2024
A recording of the webinar for this program has been released, and a link to the presentation is available in the Application section.

Grant Keywords
Pollinator-Friendly Practices on Roadsides and Highway Rights-of-Way Program, Roadside Pollinator Program, United States Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Transportation, Department of Transportation, USDOT, DOT, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA, pollinator, pollinate, pollinating, pollination, pollinator-friendly practice, PFP, pollinator-friendly, road, roadside, roadway, highway, right-of-way, ROW, highway right-of-way, highway ROW, roadside pollinator, tribe, tribal, territory, territories, Puerto Rico, federal land management agency, federal land management agencies, FLMA, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, BIL, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, IIJA, environment, environmental, environmentalism, pollinator habitat, habitat, native plant, native wildflower, plant, wildflower, native vegetation, vegetation, forage, feeding, nesting, breeding, landscape, ecology, ecological, fragmented habitat, refugia, roadside habitat, crop pollination, Pollinator Friendly Practices Plan, mowing, pollinator species, vegetation management, herbicide, controlled burn, grazing, brush removal, planting, seeding, outreach, native species, invasive species, ecosystem, preservation, preserve, restoration, restore, stewardship, protection, protect, animal, biodiversity, bird, wildlife
Grant Categories
Environment/Natural Resources