Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of San Francisco: Access to Housing and Economic Assistance for Development (AHEAD) Program (Select States) - FY 2024
Agency: | US Other |
Office: | Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) of San Francisco Community Investment Department |
Multipart Grant: | No |
Next Due: | 06/03/2024 (Multiple) |
Solicitation Date: | Unknown |
Match Required: | No |
Actual Funds: | $4,000,000 (Confirmed) |
Award Range: | $100,000 (Max) |
The purpose of this program is to ensure that people living in lower-income communities have the infrastructure and resources they need to fully participate in a changing economy. Funding issued through this program will help create a brighter, more equitable future for underserved people, neighborhoods, and communities.
Funding will support innovative, targeted initiatives that will create new economic opportunity by expanding proven development models or piloting new interventions. Through the funding agency's members' networks and community connections, funding may be used to help low- to moderate-income communities by:
- Creating or preserving jobs
- Delivering job training or education programming
- Supporting small business, microlending, and microenterprise incubation for low-income entrepreneurs
- Addressing the special economic development needs of at-risk youth, veterans, persons with disabilities, the formerly incarcerated, and tribal communities, among others
Projects must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Create or retain jobs that have annual salaries at or below the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) area median income (AMI); 100 percent of the AMI in urban areas or 115 percent of the AMI in rural areas
- Benefit or provide services to households at or below the HUD AMI; 100 percent of the AMI in urban areas or 115 percent of the AMI in rural areas
- Provide services or benefits to the community
Information regarding AMI income limits is available online at www.huduser.gov.
An optional webinar is scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.
Eligibility is limited to project sponsors that serve, and projects that are located in, Arizona, California, or Nevada.
Eligibility Notes:
Eligible sponsors are nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, and tribal associations engaged in economic development activities.
Applicants must propose projects located in Arizona, California, or Nevada.
Project sponsors must partner with members of the FHLBank of San Francisco. The member institution must submit the application on behalf of the project sponsor. Awards will be disbursed to the member institution, which, in turn, will provide awarded funds to the project sponsor. A list of member institutions can be found online at www.fhlbsf.com.
Previous award recipients include:
- Crossroads Mission (Yuma, AZ)
- Women's Economic Ventures (Santa Barbara, CA)
- Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth (Las Vegas, NV)
- Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (Los Angeles, CA)
- Family Housing Resources, Inc. (Tucson, AZ)
Refer to the Award file for additional information regarding previous award recipients.
Eligible Applicants:
Local GovernmentNative American Tribe
Non Profits
Tribal Organizations/Institutions
Application Notes:
Mandatory workspace set-up request forms must be submitted by May 23, 2024.
Workspace set-up request forms must be emailed to the appropriate address provided in the Contact section.
Workspace set-up request forms must include:
- Member portal authorized representative signature
- Member institution information
Workspace set-up request forms must be submitted in .pdf format.
Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. PT on June 3, 2024.
Applications must be submitted online via the link provided by the funding agency following submission of the workspace set-up request form. Applications submitted via mail, fax, courier, or email will not be accepted.
Applications must include:
- Application and budget
- Project sponsor IRS determination letter or articles of incorporation/equivalent founding documentation (as applicable)
- Project sponsor management roster and board of directors roster/statement from management (as applicable)
The application and budget must be submitted in Excel format. Attachments must be submitted in .pdf format. Documents must be combined into a single file to be uploaded to each individual folder.
An optional webinar will be held for this program as follows:
May 15, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. PT
Registration: fhlbsf.zoom.us
Refer to the NOFA, Guide, Application, and Set-UpRequest files for additional application information.
Match Required: | No |
Actual Funds: | $4,000,000 (Confirmed) |
Award Range: | $100,000 (Max) |
Match Notes:
There are no stated matching requirements for this program.
Funding Notes:
A total of $4 million is available to support awards of up to $100,000 through this program.
Award announcements will be made in early September 2024.
Award disbursements must be made between the award announcement in early September 2024 and the end of the calendar year in December 2024. Award recipients have up to three months from the date of the award to request disbursement of funds. Member institutions must disburse funds to the sponsor within 30 days of receipt of funds from the funding agency. The disbursement must be completed prior to calendar year-end of the award year.
Funds must be used in full within 18 months of the award date.
Funding will not support housing projects that are eligible for funding through the funding agency's Affordable Housing Program (AHP), known in eCivis Grants Network as US14624.
For FY 2023, 75 awards ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 were distributed through this program. For FY 2022, 55 awards were distributed. For FY 2021, 60 awards were distributed. Refer to the Award file for details.
Program Staff
(415) 616-2542
Agency Address
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
333 Bush Street, Suite 2700
San Francisco, CA 94104
Contact Notes:
Questions should be directed to the program staff.
Workspace set-up request forms must be emailed to [email protected].
Applications must be submitted online via the link provided by the funding agency following submission of the workspace set-up request form.
The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.
NOFA File: US15834_NOFA_FY2024.pdf (164.3 Kb)Guide File: US15834_Guide_FY2024.pdf (341.3 Kb)
Application File: US15834_Application_FY2024.xlsx (262.1 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15834_Set-UpRequest_FY2024.pdf (122.5 Kb)
Award File: US15834_Award_FY2024.pdf (3.7 Mb)
File Notes:
The NOFA file contains detailed program information and application guidelines. The Guide file contains detailed application instructions. The Application file contains the required forms for submission. The Set-UpRequest file contains the workspace set-up request form for this program. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients. Additional program resources can be found online at www.fhlbsf.com.
Grant Keywords
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, Access to Housing and Economic Assistance for Development Program, nonprofit organization, local government agency, local government, tribal association, FHLB, AHEAD, AZ, CA, NV, economic development, stability, self-sufficiency, sufficient, sustainable, launch, growth, extension, research, studies, planning, consultant, consulting, professional services, train, training, educational, housing, infrastructure, collaborate, collaboration, community outreach, collaborative, neighborhood improvement, municipality, municipalities, renovation, rehabilitate, reconstruction, redevelopment, rehabilitation, renovate, community investment, commercialization, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, entrepreneur, enterprise, career advancement, create, creation, tutorial, workshop, seminar, session, learning, teach, teaching, learn, mentoring, professional training, professional development, vocational training, trade, vocation, mentor, mentee, public health, public safety, infrastructure development, municipal improvement, restore, restoration, urban renewal, community need, equal opportunity, local need, multifamily, single-family, apartment, building, complex, condo, condominium, duplex, flat, home, house, residence, townhouse, unit, area median income, at-risk, area median family income, children, extremely low-income, families, impoverished, low-income, needy family, very low-income, child care, scholarship, disadvantaged, economically disadvantaged, minorities, minority, needy, poor, poverty, underprivileged, underrepresented, underserved, family, veteran, homelessness, chronic homelessness, mother, women, offender, education, offender reentry, post-incarceration, reenter, reentry, reintegration, reintroduction, release, incubator, tribe, tribal, FHLBankGrant Categories
Community DevelopmentEconomic Development
Training & Vocational Services
Human Services