Grant Details

Airport Improvement Program (AIP): Primary, Cargo, and Nonprimary Entitlement Funds - FY 2024

Agency: U.S. Department of Transportation
CFDA: 20.106
Office: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airports Financial Assistance Division
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: 05/20/2024 (Multiple)
Solicitation Date: 04/03/2024
Match Required: Yes
Match Type: Unspecified
Actual Funds: Unspecified

The purpose of this program is to assist in the planning and development of public-use airports, including heliports and seaplane bases, that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). Projects can include improvements related to enhancing safety, capacity, security, and environmental concerns. Funds generally may be used on most airfield capital improvements and rehabilitation projects. In addition, funds may be used for terminals, hangars, and non-aviation development in some situations. Certain professional services necessary for an eligible project, including planning, surveying, and design, are also eligible costs.

Examples of eligible projects include:

  • Runway, taxiway, and apron construction/rehabilitation
  • Airfield lighting, signage, and drainage
  • Land acquisition
  • Automated weather observation stations (AWOS)
  • Navigational aids (NAVAIDs), such as runway end identifier lights (REILs) and precision approach path indicators (PAPIs)
  • Planning studies
  • Environmental studies
  • Safety area improvements
  • Airport layout plans (ALPs)
  • Access roads only located on airport property
  • Removing, lowering, moving, marking, and lighting hazards
  • Glycol recovery or vacuum trucks for certain airports

Projects related to revenue-producing facilities may be eligible at non-primary airports if the airport has already satisfactorily addressed all airside needs and the improvement will increase revenue for the airport.

This program supports improvements that will use FY 2024 entitlement funds for projects that sponsors previously identified in the Airports Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP) process during the preceding year. Refer to the ACIP file for detailed information regarding this process.

This program is related to the Military Airport Program (MAP), known in eCivis Grants Network as US0231.

Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible sponsors are public-use airports, including heliports and seaplane bases, that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) and that are publicly owned; privately owned, but designated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as a reliever; or privately owned, with scheduled service and at least 2,500 annual enplanements.

Applicants must be legally, financially, and otherwise able to carry out the assurances and obligations contained in the application and award agreement.

This program supports improvements that will use FY 2024 entitlement funds for projects that sponsors previously identified in the Airports Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP) process. Refer to the ACIP file for detailed information regarding this process.

Previous award recipients include:

  • Nogales International (Nogales, AZ)
  • Santa Barbara Municipal (Santa Barbara, CA)
  • Witham Field (Stuart, FL)
  • Dallas-Fort Worth International (Fort Worth, TX)
  • Montrose Regional (Montrose, CO)

Refer to the Award file for additional information regarding previous award recipients. Information on FY 2023 award recipients is available online at

Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
Native American Tribe
Private Sector
State Government
Application Notes:

Mandatory notices of intent to apply must be submitted by noon applicant's local time on May 20, 2024.

Notices of intent to apply must be submitted to the appropriate Airports District Office (ADO) listed online at

Notices of intent to apply must stipulate the total amount the sponsor intends to use for eligible and justified projects during FY 2024, including those entitlement funds not obligated from prior years that remain available.

Applications must be submitted by May 20, 2024.

Applications must be submitted to the appropriate ADO listed online at

Applications must include:

  • SF 424
  • FAA 5100-100 or its equivalent (if applicable)
  • FAA 5100-101 or its equivalent (if applicable)
  • Detailed project narratives and/or cost breakdowns (if applicable)
  • Project sketches (if applicable)
  • Project documentation needed for ADO reasonableness determination
  • Exhibit A: property inventory map (if applicable)
  • Title certificate or long-term lease agreement (if applicable)

Project sketches must be formatted on standard-sized or larger pages.

The following are required in order to submit an application:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

Refer to the NOFA and Guide files, as well as the Application folder, for additional application information.

Match Required: Yes
Match Type: Unspecified
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Match Notes:

Applicants must provide matching contributions for this program, as follows:

  • Large and medium primary hub airports:
    • 20 percent of eligible costs for noise program implementation
    • 25 percent of eligible costs for other projects
  • Small primary, reliever, and general aviation airports: 5 percent to 10 percent of eligible costs, depending on statutory requirements

For additional information regarding this program's matching requirements, applicants should contact the appropriate Airports District Office (ADO) or regional office listed online at

Funding Notes:

An unspecified amount of funding is available to allocate FY 2024 entitlement funds, as well as entitlement funds not obligated from prior years that remain available.

In general, funding will be provided on a reimbursement basis.

In general, fuel farms and aircraft hangars are not eligible costs; however, they may be conditionally allowed for non-primary airports. For additional information regarding the eligibility of such costs, applicants should contact the appropriate ADO or regional office listed online at

Funds may not be used for:

  • Airport operations
  • Operational costs, such as salaries, equipment, or supplies
  • Maintenance equipment or vehicles
  • Offices and office equipment
  • Landscaping
  • Artwork
  • Industrial park development
  • Marketing plans
  • Training
  • Improvements for commercial enterprises
  • Maintenance or repairs of buildings

On July 26, 2024, a total of $374,851,339 was distributed through this program. On June 28, 2024, a total of $123,117,268 was distributed. On June 7, 2024, a total of $56,666,667 was distributed via three awards ranging from $10 million to $16,666,667. Refer to the Award file for details.


David F. Cushing
Manager, Airports Financial Assistance Division
(202) 267-8827

Agency Address
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20591

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to David Cushing, or to the appropriate Airports District Office (ADO) or regional office listed online at

Notices of intent to apply and applications must be submitted to the appropriate ADO office.

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US0281_NOFA_FY2024.pdf (201.1 Kb)
Guide File: US0281_Guide_FY2024.pdf (4.0 Mb)
Application File: (1.6 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US0281_FAQ_FY2024.pdf (147.3 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US0281_ACIP_FY2024.pdf (1.9 Mb)
Award File: US0281_Award_FY2024.pdf (1.5 Mb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Guide file contains the current version of the program handbook. The Application folder contains required forms for submission. The FAQ file contains a list of answers to frequently asked questions regarding this program. The ACIP file contains information regarding the Airports Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP) process. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients. Information on FY 2023 award recipients can be found online at Additional program resources can be found online at

August 22, 2024
Information regarding awards through this program has been released and appended to the Award file. A sample of award recipients has been added to the Eligibility section, and a brief summary of the awards has been added to the Financial section.

Project: Design and Bid Phase Services for Taxiway A Realignment-- Taxiway A4 through A7 (15.8 Mb)
Applicant: City of Colorado Springs

The purpose of this program is to assist in the planning and development of public-use airports, including heliports and seaplane bases, that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). The City of Colorado Springs requested $1,050,253 for the design phase of a project to relocate a taxiway 100 feet west of its current location. Project activities include preparing construction plans, technical specifications, and reports along with bidding phase services. The applicant provided $116,695 to match the remainder of the project costs.

Grant Keywords
Airport Improvement Program, AIP, Primary, Cargo, and Nonprimary Entitlement Funds, Airports Capital Improvement Plan, ACIP, US0231, entitlement, non-primary, entitlement funds, public-use airport, heliport, seaplane base, NPIAS, National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems, public safety, safety, safe, capacity, security, environmental, capital, capital improvement, improvement, improve, repair, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, renovate, renovation, construct, construction, build, terminal, hangar, aviation, plan, planning, survey, surveying, design, designing, engineer, engineering, runway, taxiway, airfield, airfield lighting, lighting, airfield signage, signage, airfield drainage, land acquisition, acquisition, acquire, AWOS, automated weather observation station, NAVAID, navigational aid, REIL, runway end identifier light, PAPI, precision approach path indicator, planning studies, planning study, studies, study, environmental studies, environmental study, ALP, airport layout plan, access road, hazard, glycol recovery, vacuum truck, glycol, hazardous, aircraft, airport, airliner, airline, airstrip, fuel farm, general aviation, jetliner, jet, infrastructure development, infrastructure, fix, rebuild, refurbish, redevelopment, rehab, renewal, restore, restoration, building, airport improvement, sustainable development, airport renovation, airport repair, transportation infrastructure, apron, Airport and Airway Extension Act
Grant Categories
Community Development