Grant Details

Water Technical Assistance (WaterTA) - FY 2024

Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office: Office of Water (OW) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (OGWDW)
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: Rolling
Solicitation Date: Unknown
Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified

The purpose of this program is to ensure all communities have access to clean and reliable water by providing technical assistance that will help communities to address challenges in providing safe drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services to their residents. Rather than providing monetary awards, this program will provide free technical assistance services that will support communities and their water utilities to:

  • Identify water infrastructure or water quality improvement needs
  • Plan for capital improvements
  • Build technical, managerial, and financial capacity
  • Prepare for, and develop, application materials for financing a project through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs or other programs under the funding agency

This program is intended to provide technical assistance services to address drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater challenges, such as:

  • Sewer backups or sewage in yards or homes
  • Drinking water accessibility or quality concerns
  • Low-water pressure or unreliable water service
  • Lack of running water
  • Concerns about lead in the community's drinking water
  • Flooding or stormwater backups throughout a neighborhood

To address the challenges above, participating communities will have access to experts and partners that are equipped to help with:

  • Lead service line identification and replacement
  • Drinking water treatment plant and pipe upgrades or building new drinking water infrastructure
  • Wastewater treatment plant and pipe upgrades or building new infrastructure
  • Connecting households or small drinking water/wastewater systems to larger systems
  • Stormwater, green infrastructure, and water conservation projects
  • Source water protection
  • Emerging contaminant challenges, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Improving cybersecurity
  • Improving climate resiliency

Types of technical assistance services provided through this program include:

  • Planning and assessment, including:
    • Community engagement
    • Plan development and coordination
    • Studies and assessments
    • Asset management
  • Project development, including:
    • Preliminary engineering reports
    • Lead service line inventories
    • Project design
    • Environmental reviews
  • Partnerships and engagement, including:
    • Ongoing engagement and outreach
    • Decision-maker and board education
    • Water system partnerships
    • Capacity building
  • Funding and financing, including:
    • Rates and revenue analysis
    • Financial planning
    • Identifying funding options
    • Application support
  • Program management support, including:
    • Bid support
    • Change order review
    • Project inspection
    • Domestic preference
      and Davis-Bacon Act assistance

Refer to pages 6-7 of the NOFA file for information regarding specific technical assistance initiatives that may provide services under this program.

An optional webinar is scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.

Program Office Notes:

The program officer stated that the recipients of technical assistance are intended to be community members or a public water system (PWS); however, the funding agency may partner with a nonprofit organization and work alongside it for the benefit of the community on a case-by-case basis.

The program officer stated that request forms are accepted on a rolling basis.

Last Updated: June 14, 2024

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are:

  • Local governments/communities
  • Drinking water utilities/systems
  • Wastewater utilities/systems
  • Stormwater utilities/systems
  • States and territories
  • Tribes
  • Non-governmental organizations

The program officer stated that the recipients of technical assistance are intended to be community members or a public water system (PWS); however, the funding agency may partner with a nonprofit organization and work alongside it for the benefit of the community on a case-by-case basis.

Federal facilities are not eligible to apply.

Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
Native American Tribe
Non Profits
State Government
Application Notes:

The program officer stated that request forms are accepted on a rolling basis.

Request forms must be submitted online at

Request forms must include:

  • Applicant and contact information
  • Public Water System Identification (PWSID) or National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit number (if applicable)
  • Type of system or project
  • Brief description of water quality or infrastructure concerns to be addressed (750 characters max)
  • Indication whether the community is currently working with a technical assistance (TA) provider
  • Indication whether the community qualifies as a disadvantaged community within the state or meets the state's affordability criteria

An optional webinar for this program is scheduled as follows:

May 22, 2024
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

Refer to the NOFA and RequestFormTemplate files for additional application information.

Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Match Notes:

There are no stated matching requirements for this program.

Funding Notes:

Rather than providing monetary awards, this program will provide free technical assistance services that will support communities and their water utilities to:

  • Identify water infrastructure or water quality improvement needs
  • Plan for capital improvements
  • Build technical, managerial, and financial capacity
  • Prepare for, and develop, application materials for financing a project through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs or other programs under the funding agency

In particular, participating communities will have access to experts and partners that are equipped to help with:

  • Lead service line identification and replacement
  • Drinking water treatment plant and pipe upgrades or building new drinking water infrastructure
  • Wastewater treatment plant and pipe upgrades or building new infrastructure
  • Connecting households or small drinking water/wastewater systems to larger systems
  • Stormwater, green infrastructure, and water conservation projects
  • Source water protection
  • Emerging contaminant challenges, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Improving cybersecurity
  • Improving climate resiliency

Types of technical assistance services provided through this program include:

  • Planning and assessment, including:
    • Community engagement
    • Plan development and coordination
    • Studies and assessments
    • Asset management
  • Project development, including:
    • Preliminary engineering reports
    • Lead service line inventories
    • Project design
    • Environmental reviews
  • Partnerships and engagement, including:
    • Ongoing engagement and outreach
    • Decision-maker and board education
    • Water system partnerships
    • Capacity building
  • Funding and financing, including:
    • Rates and revenue analysis
    • Financial planning
    • Identifying funding options
    • Application support
  • Program management support, including:
    • Bid support
    • Change order review
    • Project inspection
    • Domestic preference
      and Davis-Bacon Act assistance

Refer to pages 6-7 of the NOFA file for information regarding specific technical assistance initiatives that may provide services under this program.

Direct technical assistance to federal facilities or individuals/individual households is not supported through this program.


Program Staff

Agency Address
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (Mail Code 4606M)
Washington, D.C. 20460

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to the program staff.

Request forms must be submitted online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US15269_NOFA_FY2024.pdf (383.5 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15269_RequestFormTemplate_FY2024.pdf (292.6 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US15269_Webinar_FY2024.pdf (390.8 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains general program information and request form guidelines. The RequestFormTemplate file contains a sample of the online request form and should be used for reference purposes only. The Webinar file contains information regarding the optional webinar that is scheduled for this program. Additional program resources can be found online at

June 14, 2024
The program officer provided clarification regarding the submission deadline for request forms as well as the types of entities that are eligible to apply for this program. The Eligibility and Application sections have been updated accordingly.

Grant Keywords
Water Technical Assistance, EPA, OW, OGWDW, WaterTA, TA, technical assistance, local government, state government, territory, territories, tribe, tribal government, tribal, Native American, American Indian, utility, utilities, drinking water, wastewater, waste water, stormwater, water, water infrastructure, infrastructure, water quality, capital improvement, capacity building, State Revolving Fund, SRF, application development, financing, water service, running water, water pressure, lead service line, lead, pipe, piping, water treatment plant, water system, green infrastructure, source water, water conservation, contaminant, contamination, PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance, cybersecurity, climate resiliency, climate change, plan, planning, assessment, assess, asset management, community engagement, study, studies, preliminary engineering report, inventory, inventories, environmental review, partnership, financial planning, rate, revenue, bid support, bid, change order review, change order, inspection, inspect, Davis–Bacon Act, Davis–Bacon, clean water, water demand, water supply, water resource, contaminated, poisonous, poison, public health, sanitation, sanitary, public safety, sewage, sewer line, waste treatment, sewer system, plumbing, infrastructure development, build, construction, construct, conserve, conservation, environment, environmental, environmentalism, green, preservation, preserve, protect, protection, stewardship, waterbody, waterbodies, chemical, contaminate, polluted, pollute, toxic, pollution, temperature, global warming, computer, information technology, cyberspace, internet, world wide web, database, information science
Grant Categories
Community Development
Information Technology/Telecommunications
Environment/Natural Resources
Water Supply/Quality