Grant Details

Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside (DWTSA) Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR) Program: Drinking Water Infrastructure (EPA Region 9) - FY 2025

Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: Rolling
Solicitation Date: Rolling
Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified

The purpose of this program is to support the investigation, identification, planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines for federally recognized tribes throughout EPA Region 9. For the purposes of this program, a service line is defined as the line that connects the water main to the building outlet. This line may be owned by the water system, property owner, or both.

For the purposes of this program, a lead service line includes both of the following:

  • A service line made of lead
  • A galvanized service line, if it ever was or is currently downstream of any lead service line or service line of unknown material

Additionally, funding may be used for the replacement of lead-containing goosenecks, pigtails, and connectors, whether standalone or connected to a lead service line.

This program will support the following types of projects:

  • Service line inventory (SLI) projects: eligible activities may include:
    • Development or updating of service line inventories, including locating and mapping service lines
    • Methods of investigation to develop inventories that could include records review, visual observation, water quality sampling (non-compliance), excavation, vacuum or hydro-excavation, or other emerging technologies
  • Lead service line replacement (LSLR) projects: eligible activities may include:
    • Planning and design, including environmental review and clearance
    • Complete removal of lead service lines or service lines made of galvanized iron or galvanized steel that are currently or have previously been downstream of lead or unknown components, with removal and replacement including both the public and privately owned portion
    • Removal and replacement of lead or galvanized goosenecks, pigtails, and connectors
    • Replacement of curb stops, curb stop boxes, and other service line appurtenances that are removed as part of full LSLR
    • Site restoration, including landscaping, sidewalks, and driveways, if necessary to replace the lead service line
    • Permit fees, if the fees are normal, required, and specific to the LSLR

Additional eligible activities for SLI and LSLR projects may include:

  • Temporary pitcher filters or point-of-use (POU) devices certified by an American National Standards Institute-accredited certifier to reduce lead during or for a short time period after an LSLR
  • Technical assistance to small water systems undertaking lead service line inventories or construction projects
  • LSLR consumer education and outreach

Funds may be used to secure right-of-way through planning projects.

Eligibility is limited to EPA Region 9, which includes the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada; the Navajo Nation; and the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are federally recognized Indian tribes within EPA Region 9, which includes the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada; the Navajo Nation; and the Pacific Islands of American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Only public water systems that are community water systems or nonprofit, non-community water systems are eligible to receive funding. The system must serve an Indian tribe, and may be owned by the tribe, be on- or off-reservation, or serve tribal communities living on- or off-reservation.

Applicants must submit a tribal government endorsement/resolution for the project.

Eligible Applicants:
Native American Tribe
Application Notes:

Prior to submitting a proposal, applicants that intend to apply for interagency agreements (IAs) with the Indian Health Service (IHS) must contact the program staff using the information provided in the Contact section.

Proposals are accepted on a first-come, first-served rolling basis.

Proposals must be emailed to the address provided in the Contact section.

Proposals must include:

  • Project proposal form
  • Tribal government endorsement
  • Cost estimate
  • Planning documents for construction projects (if applicable)

Electronic files exceeding 10 MB must be submitted in separate emails.

Following the submission of proposals, the funding agency will respond by providing comments and questions. Applicants must respond to these comments and submit a final application prior to awards being issued.

Refer to the NOFA file for additional application information.

Match Required: No
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Match Notes:

Matching funds are not required for this program.

Funding Notes:

An unspecified amount of funding is available to support awards through this program. Awards will be made in the form of direct grants, interagency agreements (IAs) with the Indian Health Service (IHS), or in-kind assistance through a funding agency-directed contractor to support eligible project activities.

In the case of projects with limited scope, the funding agency encourages applicants to request in-kind assistance. If the funding agency determines that applicants do not have adequate capacity, it may ask applicants to receive in-kind assistance rather than grants.

It may take approximately six months from the initial project proposal submission to receive funding.

In general, for construction projects, costs may not exceed the following:

  • Tribal administration: 5 percent of awards for IAs
  • Indirect costs: 5 percent of awards for grants
  • Contingencies: 10 percent of awards
  • Technical support services: 15 percent of awards for IAs, including engineering, inspection, and technical support

If the costs exceed the above allowances, the applicant must provide written documentation to support the increased costs.

In-kind services may not be used for construction projects.

Funds may not be used for:

  • Corrosion control studies and corrosion control infrastructure
  • Water meters
  • Bottled water
  • Premise plumbing
  • Systems that are in significant non-compliance with any requirement of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, unless the project will ensure compliance
  • Purchasing real property

Karly Ho
Program Coordinator
(415) 972-3458

Agency Address
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
75 Hawthorne Street (WTR-4)
San Francisco, CA 94105

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to Karly Ho, or to the appropriate infrastructure project officer or direct implementation program manager listed on pages 14-15 of the NOFA file.

Proposals must be emailed to the address provided.

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US18356_NOFA_FY2025.pdf (1.1 Mb)
Application File: US18356_Proposal_FY2025.xlsx (36.0 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Proposal file contains the required project proposal form for submission.

Grant Keywords
Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside Lead Service Line Replacement Program, Drinking Water Infrastructure, EPA, EPA Region 9, BIL, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CA, NV, AZ, HI, Navajo, Navajo Nation, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, lead, lead line, lead poisoning, toxic, toxicity, toxic lead, water pipe, water main, LSL, LSLR, lead service line, tribe, tribal, Native American, AI/AN, lead line replacement, lead service line replacement, LSL replacement, tribal water system, Native American water system, Indian Country, clean water, drinking water, pipe, piping, potable water, source water, water infrastructure, water quality, water resource, water supply, contaminant, contaminated, public health, public safety, infrastructure development, municipal improvement, infrastructure, rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, renovate, renovation, utility, utilities, wellness, disease prevention, health awareness, health disparity, health literacy, healthcare disparity, inequality, minorities, minority, policy, underserved, community need, children, families, family, basic need, advocacy, advocate, human service, public education, public outreach, gooseneck, pigtail, connector, galvanized service line, galvanized line, service line inventories, service line inventory, pipe replacement, water line replacement, DWTSA, DWTSA LSLR, TA, technical assistance, territory, territories
Grant Categories
Community Development
Health, Prevention/Treatment
Human Services
Water Supply/Quality