Bay-Delta Restoration Program: California Bay-Delta Program (CALFED) Water Use Efficiency Grants (Select Areas, CA) - FY 2025/2026
Agency: | U.S. Department of Interior |
CFDA: | 15.570 |
Federal FON: | R25AS00432 |
Office: | Bureau of Reclamation Interior Region 10: California-Great Basin |
Multipart Grant: | No |
Next Due: | Unknown |
Solicitation Date: | 12/17/2024 |
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | Unspecified |
The purpose of this program is to support feasible urban and agricultural projects that will improve ecosystem health, including protection of endangered and threatened species, water supply reliability, or water quality, in the California Bay-Delta. Projects should seek to conserve and use water more efficiently, protect endangered and threatened species, and result in quantifiable and reliable water savings or improved water management.
Supported projects may include any type of implementation, demonstration, pilot water-use efficiency, or conservation projects that have benefits for the Bay-Delta. Eligible water conservation projects include:
- Canal lining/piping: projects that line or pipe canals, resulting in conserved water
- Municipal metering: projects that install meters, resulting in measurable water savings
- Irrigation flow measurement: projects that improve measurement accuracy and result in reduced spills and over-deliveries to irrigators
- Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and automation: projects that install SCADA and/or automation components that provide water savings when irrigation delivery system operational efficiency is improved to reduce spills, over-deliveries, and seepage
- Groundwater recharge: projects that provide savings when surface water storage evaporation is reduced and/or surface runoff is intercepted for recharge
- Small-scale water recycling and water reuse: small-scale projects that reclaim and reuse wastewaters or naturally impaired groundwater and surface water
- Landscape irrigation measures: projects that provide water savings by reducing outdoor water usage, typically promoted through rebates or direct-install programs
Refer to pages 16-17 of the NOFA file for additional details regarding eligible projects, including examples of eligible projects.
All projects must propose a detailed method or performance measure for quantifying the actual benefits of the proposed project.
Priority will be given to projects that can be completed within two years of the date of awards.
Eligibility is limited to applicants located in the CALFED solution area of the California Bay-Delta. Refer to the Eligibility section for details.
This program is paused for review and currently not accepting applications for FY 2025/2026. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available.
Last Updated: February 06, 2025
Eligibility Notes:
Eligible applicants are:
- Indian tribes
- Irrigation districts
- Water districts
- Other organizations with water or power delivery authority
Applicants must be located in the CALFED solution area of the California Bay-Delta. Refer to the EligibleArea file for a map of the eligible area. All projects must have a defined relationship with the California Bay-Delta region.
Applicants may submit multiple applications, as long as they do not exceed the maximum funding amount per entity, as detailed in the Financial section. In general, if an applicant is seeking funding for multiple projects and those projects are inter-related or closely related, they should be combined into a single application; however, if the projects can be completed independently and are easily separated or phased, they should be applied for separately. Each applicant may propose to implement one or more of the eligible projects listed in the Summary section.
Ineligible entities are:
- Federal government entities
- Institutions of higher education
- 501(c)(4) organizations
- 501(c)(6) organizations
Previous award recipients include:
- Central California Irrigation District
- City of Sacramento
- Firebaugh Canal Water District
- Inland Empire Utilities Agency
- Semitropic Water Storage District
Refer to the Award file for additional information regarding previous award recipients.
Eligible Applicants:
Local GovernmentNative American Tribe
Private Sector
Application Notes:
Applications must be received by 3:00 p.m. PT on February 13, 2025.
This program is paused for review and currently not accepting applications for FY 2025/2026. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available.
Applications must be submitted online at
Applications must include:
- SF 424
- SF 424A or SF 424C (as applicable)
- SF 424B or SF 424D (as applicable)
- SF LLL (if applicable)
- Certification regarding lobbying
- Technical proposal (30 pages max)
- Project budget
- Pre-award costs information (if applicable)
- Environmental and cultural compliance
- Required permits and approvals
- Overlap or duplication of effort statement
- Conflict of interest disclosure statement
- Uniform audit reporting statement
- Letters of support
- Official resolution
- Project abstract summary
Applications may not exceed 75 pages. Applications must be formatted on standard-sized pages, except for an occasional larger size for charts, maps, and drawings; and on consecutively numbered pages using at least a 12-point, easily readable font.
The following are required in order to submit an application:
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
- SAM (System for Award Management) registration
- SPOC (state Single Point of Contact) notification
Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at Applicants in states participating in the SPOC program must contact the relevant SPOC listed in the SPOC file before applying.
Applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Water savings (40 points)
- Water benefits in relation to delta supply (20 points)
- Environmental benefits (15 points)
- Performance measures and project monitoring (10 points)
- Ability to implement proposed project (10 points)
- Project planning (5 points)
Refer to the NOFA file for additional application information.
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | Unspecified |
Match Notes:
Applicants must provide at least 50 percent of project costs via nonfederal cash and/or in-kind contributions. Generally, matching contributions must be expended at the same or greater rate as federal awards.
Pre-award costs incurred prior to award notification may not be used as matching contributions.
Funding Notes:
Up to $1.5 million may be available in FY 2025 to support grants or cooperative agreements through this program. Funding for FY 2026 is contingent upon appropriations. Approximately two to four awards are expected to be made per fiscal year.
Applicants may receive multiple awards through this program. The maximum funding available is $500,000 per project and $1 million per award recipient.
The funding agency may also provide technical assistance to awarded projects upon request from applicants. Costs of such technical assistance must be accounted in project budgets.
Award notifications will be issued in or around May 2025. Award agreements will be provided three to six months after notification.
Priority will be given to projects that can be completed within two years of award.
Reimbursement for pre-award costs incurred after July 31, 2023, may be considered; however, pre-award costs are only allowable with the written approval of the funding agency. Refer to page 30 of the NOFA file for details.
To be eligible through this program, water desalination or recycling projects are limited to a total project cost of $5 million.
Funds may not be used for:
- Projects that only consist of research or feasibility studies, planning, or education
- Projects that are considered normal operations, maintenance, and replacement (OM&R) projects
- Projects or project elements that are part of a congressionally authorized Title XVI Water Reclamation or Reuse project
- Projects or project elements that are part of a water desalination or recycling project eligible for funding under section 4009(a) or 4009(c) of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act
- Costs incurred prior to July 31, 2023
- Application preparation costs
- Any ground-disturbing activities before environmental and cultural resources compliance is complete and the funding agency explicitly authorizes the work to begin
Application, Application Submission, and Award Administration Contact:
Pete Arp
Supervisory Grants Management Specialist
(916) 716-9378
Applicant and Project Eligiblity and Application Review Contact:
Anna Sutton
Program Specialist
(916) 978-5214
Agency Address
Bureau of Reclamation
Region 10: California-Great Basin
Federal Office Building
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825-1898
Contact Notes:
Questions should be directed to the appropriate program contact.
Applications must be submitted online at
The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.
NOFA File: US5769_NOFA_FY2025-26.pdf (735.4 Kb)Other Pre-Award File: US5769_EligibleArea_FY2025-26.pdf (125.8 Kb)
Award File: US5769_Award_FY2025-26.pdf (613.9 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US5769_Postponement_FY2025-26.pdf (3.1 Mb)
Federal Forms:
SPOC (67.7 Kb)File Notes:
The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The EligibleArea file contains a map of the eligible area where projects must be located. The Postponement file contains information regarding the pausing of this program. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients. The SPOC file contains information on the state Single Point of Contact program.
February 6, 2025
This program is paused for review and not currently accepting applications for FY 2025/2026. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available. Refer to the Postponement file for additional information.
Project: | AMI Equipped Residential Meter Retrofits in the Colonial Heights, Elmhurst, and Oakpark Neighborhoods and the Expansion of the River Friendly Landscaping Program (2.3 Mb) |
Applicant: | City of Sacramento Utilities Department (California) |
Summary: |
The purpose of this program is to support feasible urban and agricultural projects that will improve ecosystem health, including protection of endangered and threatened species, water supply reliability, or water quality in the California Bay-Delta. The City of Sacramento Utilities Department requested $750,000 and provided a cash and in-kind match of $3,022,279 to conduct river-friendly landscaping and expand its residential metering program. Funding was requested for a two-and-a-half-year period to conserve water, improve water use efficiency, reduce energy demands, benefit local aquatic species, and provide the funding agency with greater flexibility on the use of Folsom Reservoir. |
Grant Keywords
Department of Interior, DOI, Bureau of Reclamation, Interior Region 10, California-Great Basin, CALFED, resource, irrigation, drinking water, sprinkler systems, water use reduction, demand, gallon, lake, river, aqueduct, conserve, ecology, eco-friendly, habitat, estuary, provider, public utility, runoff, rain, storm, snow, stream, dam, piping, pipe, canal, creek, cooling tower, conductivity, meter, metering, consumption, retrofit, reservoir, pollution, drought, watershed, bird, wildlife, animal, farm, farming, irrigate, clean water, plumbing, potable water, reclamation, source water, water demand, water infrastructure, water quality, water resource, water supply, California Delta, Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, San Francisco Bay, Central Valley, groundwater, aquifer, weir, gate, efficient, efficiency, flow, conservation, ecological, ecosystem, environment, environmental, environmentalism, green, natural resource, nature, outdoor, preservation, preserve, protect, protection, restoration, restore, stewardship, biodiversity, distribution, domestic bird, fish, plant, population, candidate, endangered species, extinct, extinction, hunting, near-extinct, protected, threatened, water, agricultural practice, SCADA, water loss, irrigation efficiency, indoor appliance, indoor fixture, water saving, outdoor water usage, canal lining, irrigation water, groundwater recharge, over-irrigation, water waste, CA water, California waterGrant Categories
AgricultureEnvironment/Natural Resources
Recycling & Reuse
Rural Issues
Water Supply/Quality