Grant Details

Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) (Part D): Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (TJSIP) - FY 2025

Agency: U.S. Department of Justice
CFDA: 16.596
Federal FON: O-BJA-2025-172288
Office: Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Multipart Grant: Yes
Next Due: 03/18/2025 (Multiple)
Solicitation Date: 12/19/2024
Match Required: No
Actual Funds: $105,000,000 (Estimated)
Range: $9,000,000 (Max)

The purpose of this program is to improve public safety and victim services in tribal communities by providing federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety.

Funding will be provided for the following program components:

  • (Part A): Purpose Area 1: Public Safety and Community Policing
  • (Part B): Purpose Area 2: Comprehensive Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning
  • (Part C): Purpose Area 3: Tribal Justice Systems
  • (Part D): Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (TJSIP)
  • (Part F): Purpose Area 6: Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (CJA)
  • (Part H): Purpose Area 8: Youth Healing to Wellness Courts
  • (Part I): Purpose Area 9: Tribal Youth Program (TYP)
  • (Part K): Purpose Area 5: Adult Tribal Treatment Courts

The purpose of the Purpose Area 4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (TJSIP) component is to strengthen tribal justice system capacity by addressing physical infrastructure needs. Site-based funding will be provided to renovate, expand, or replace existing tribal justice-related facilities or build new permanent tribal justice-related facilities. Facility types may include police departments, courts, detention centers, multipurpose justice centers, transitional living facilities, correctional alternative or treatment facilities, and domestic violence shelters/safe homes/transitional living facilities/advocacy programs.

Funds may be used for:

  • Renovation, expansion, or new permanent modular facilities that are prefabricated, standalone permanent modular, or pre-engineered steel-building options
  • Other costs associated with renovation/expansion of an existing facility, new permanent facility, or completion of existing construction projects

Projects must be located on lands on which tribes exercise jurisdiction sufficient to operate the funded facility. Typically, this is limited to tribal lands.

Refer to pages 20-26 of the NOFA file for additional information regarding this component. Refer to the CostAllowability file for additional information regarding allowable uses of funds.

The OJP strongly encourages the use of data and evidence in policy making and program development for criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services.

If an applicant proposes a project or activity that would deliver services or benefits to individuals, the costs of taking reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to those services or benefits for individuals with limited English proficiency may be allowable.

Refer to the CostAllowability file for additional information regarding costs allowable through this program and component.

Optional webinars and office hours are scheduled for this program. Refer to the Application section for details.

Last Updated: February 19, 2025

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are:

  • Federally recognized Native American tribal governments
  • Consortia consisting of two or more federally recognized Indian tribes

Projects must be located on lands on which tribes exercise jurisdiction sufficient to operate the funded facility. Typically, this is limited to tribal lands.

In addition, political subunits of Indian tribal governments, such as tribally recognized chapters or individual reservation(s), under a larger federally recognized tribe are eligible to apply under very limited circumstances, and only with prior approval obtained from the funding agency, as detailed on pages 8-9 of the FAQ file.

Each tribe or tribal consortium may submit only one application through this component; however, a tribe may apply both independently and as a member of a consortium, provided that the applications are for distinct and separate activities. In addition, applicants may apply for as many components through the overall CTAS program as needed.

Tribal consortia are required to submit tribal authority to apply documentation or a tribal resolution for the application.

Previous award recipients through this component include:

  • Colusa Indian Community Council (CA)
  • Miccosukee Corporation (FL)
  • Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (NY)
  • Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma (OK)
  • Kalispel Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation (WA)

Refer to the Award file for additional information regarding previous award recipients.

Eligible Applicants:
Native American Tribe
Application Notes:

Prior to submitting full applications, applicants must submit mandatory initial applications, which must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 18, 2025.

Initial applications must be submitted online at

Initial applications must include the SF 424.

Applicants will be notified as to whether their initial applications have been approved and will be invited to submit full applications, which must be received by 8:59 p.m. ET on March 25, 2025.

Full applications must be submitted online at

Full applications must include:

  • Standard application information
  • SF LLL
  • Proposal abstract(s) (2,000 characters max)
  • Data requested with application
  • Purpose area narrative question sets
  • Budget and associated documentation
  • Memorandum of understanding (MOU) (if applicable)
  • Curriculum vitae or resumes (if applicable)
  • Tribal authority to apply/tribal authorizing resolution (if applicable)
  • Letters of support (if applicable)

Refer to pages 44-51 of the NOFA file for additional information regarding application components.

The following are required in order to submit an application:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

Optional webinars specific to this component are scheduled as follows:

January 30, 2025
3:00 p.m. ET

February 13, 2025
3:00 p.m. ET

Additional optional webinars for this overall program are scheduled as follows:

Tips for Successful Applications for Alaska and Rural Communities Webinar:
February 25, 2025
3:30 p.m. ET

Application Checklist Review Webinar:
February 27, 2025
1:00 p.m. ET

JustGrants Final Upload Q&A Webinar:
March 4, 2025
1:00 p.m. ET

Budget Worksheet Completion Webinar:
March 6, 2025
1:00 p.m. ET

In addition, optional office hours sessions are scheduled for this program as follows:

March 13, 2025
Noon - 1:00 p.m. ET

March 20, 2025
Noon - 1:00 p.m. ET

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Tribal community and justice profile (20 percent)
  • Purpose area narrative(s) (60 percent)
  • Budget detail worksheet and narrative (15 percent)
  • Application timeline (5 percent)

Refer to the NOFA file and Application folder for additional application information.

Match Required: No
Actual Funds: $105,000,000 (Estimated)
Range: $9,000,000 (Max)
Match Notes:

Matching funds are not required for this program; however, matching funds proposed by successful applicants will become mandatory and subject to audit.

Funding Notes:

An estimated $105 million is available for this program overall, of which approximately $9 million is available to support an anticipated six to eight awards of up to an anticipated $900,000 through this component, as follows:

  • Single jurisdiction facility: awards of up to $1.9 million
  • Regional (two or more tribes) facility: award amounts are based on the population sizes of tribes that will be served as a result of the project, as follows:
    • Population size of 50 to 10,000: awards of up to $2.8 million
    • Population size of 10,001 to 50,000: awards of up to $4.2 million
    • Population size of 50,001 or more: awards of up to $5.6 million

In addition to monetary awards, recipients will receive free training and technical assistance (TTA).

Award notifications are expected to be made by September 30, 2025.

Project periods will be up to 60 months and must begin on October 1, 2025.

Applicants must budget travel costs for attendance by two staff members at the program orientation meeting, as detailed on page 11 of the NOFA file.

Applicants must also budget the costs of one project manager and one financial manager.

Conference costs must receive prior approval from the funding agency. Refer to pages 44-47 of the FinancialGuide file for additional information regarding costs that require prior approval from the funding agency.

All award recipients and subrecipients must agree to forgo any profit or management fee.

Funds may not be used for:

  • Temporary modular facilities, such as trailers
  • State or local facilities
  • Outside training and technical assistance (TTA) providers or outside organizations to create a strategic plan
  • Land acquisition
  • Compensation of federal employees
  • Travel of Department of Justice (DOJ) employees
  • Bonuses or commissions
  • Lobbying
  • Fundraising
  • Corporate formation
  • Costs incurred outside the project period, unless approved in writing by the funding agency

Refer to the FinancialGuide and CostAllowability files for additional information regarding unallowable costs.

For FY 2024, $84,646,962 was provided to support awards through this program overall, and nine awards were issued via this component. For FY 2023, $96,704,143 was provided to support awards through this program overall, and ten awards were issued via this component. For FY 2022, $82,206,777 was provided to support awards through this program overall, and six awards were issued via this component. Refer to the Award file for details.


Program Staff
(800) 421-6770

Agency Address
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
999 N. Capitol Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20531

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to the program staff.

Initial applications must be submitted online at

Full applications must be submitted online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_FAQ_FY2025.pdf (794.9 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_ComponentWebinar_FY2025.pdf (77.8 Kb)
Award File: US9035D_Award_FY2025.pdf (4.4 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_CostAllowability_FY2025.pdf (336.5 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_FinancialGuide_FY2025.pdf (1.9 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_SSJFactSheet_FY2025.pdf (339.7 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_Brochure_FY2025.pdf (1.9 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US9035D_WebinarSchedule_FY2025.pdf (224.7 Kb)
NOFA File: US9035D_NOFA_FY2025.pdf (1.0 Mb)
Application File: (555.3 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Application folder contains required forms for submission. The FinancialGuide file contains information regarding cost limitations for programs of the funding agency. The CostAllowability file contains information regarding allowable and unallowable costs for this component. The ComponentWebinar file contains information regarding the optional webinar scheduled for this component. The Brochure file contains a brochure providing a general overview of the program. The SSJFactSheet file contains a fact sheet pertaining to sole source justification. The FAQ file contains a list of answers to frequently asked questions regarding this program. The WebinarSchedule file contains information regarding additional optional webinars and office hours scheduled for this program. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients. Additional program resources can be found online at and Detailed guidelines for the funding agency’s final application submission portal/award management system can be found online at The funding agency’s application resource guide can be found online at Information regarding awards made through funding agency programs can be found online at

February 11, 2025
Information regarding additional optional webinars and office hours scheduled for this program has been released and attached as the WebinarSchedule file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.

January 8, 2025
A fact sheet pertaining to sole source justification has been released and attached as the SSJFactSheet file. In addition, a list of answers to frequently asked questions regarding this program has been released and attached as the FAQ file. The Eligibility section has been updated accordingly.

Grant Keywords
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation, CTAS, Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program, TJSIP, DOJ, BJA, Native American, American Indian, tribal, tribe, reservation, crime prevention, justice, tribal justice system, court system, justice-related facilities, police department, court, detention center, multipurpose justice center, transitional living facilities, halfway house, correctional alternative facilities, treatment facilities, domestic violence shelter, safe home, advocacy, prefabricated, prefab, modular, infrastructure, construct, constructing, construction, renovate, renovating, renovation, expand, expanding, expansion, build, building, jail, correctional facility, corrections, road, sewer hook-up, water hook-up, land preparation, construction site work, construction management, staff housing, furniture, surveillance cameras, construction materials, single jurisdiction, regional, permanent structure, safety, security, recidivism reduction, capacity, facility service, facility function, enhance, enhancement, C-BJA-202400003-PROD
Grant Categories
Community Development
Justice, Prevention/Correction/Rehabilitation
Law Enforcement