Grant Details

Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC): Timber for Transit Program (Select Areas) - FY 2025

Agency: US Other
Office: Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC)
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: 03/07/2025 (Multiple)
Solicitation Date: Unknown
Match Required: Yes
Match Type: Cash/In-Kind
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Range: $25,000,000 (Max)

The purpose of this program is to advance the use of domestic forest products in transportation infrastructure projects across Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont to showcase the capabilities of wood in these applications.

For the purposes of this program, transportation infrastructure is defined as construction, alteration, or repair of physical transport facilities, systems, and structures, including fixed installations and rights of way necessary for transporting from one point to another, that are open to the general public for use; will facilitate reliable movement of people and goods; and will influence local and regional economies. Transportation infrastructure may include roads, railways, airways, waterways, canals, and terminals, such as airports, railway stations, bus stations, parking, and seaports.

Funding will support projects that fall under the following categories:

  • Feasibility projects: eligible projects include:
    • State or regional inventory assessments of the suitability of wood components to address needed transportation infrastructure improvements and/or new construction
    • Architectural and engineering designs, cost analyses, and permitting necessary for proposed implementation projects
  • Implementation projects: eligible projects include:
    • Transportation infrastructure projects that utilize commercialized wood products and advanced wood materials to address transportation improvements
    • Design and construction of pilot and demonstration projects that showcase the capabilities and benefits of utilizing advanced wood materials in transportation infrastructure, including projects that are a hybrid of wood and traditional materials
    • Transportation-adjacent structures that utilize advanced wood materials
  • Feasibility and implementation projects: eligible projects will address both eligible feasibility and implementation activities, as detailed above

Refer to page 11 NOFA file for examples of eligible implementation projects.

Preference will be given to projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Commit to utilizing domestically sourced timber
  • Demonstrate evidence of planning for extreme weather readiness, including carbon capture, increased frequency and intensity of storm events, and sea level rise
  • Utilize the project as a tool for university and industry education and training
  • Demonstrate alignment with state and community initiatives
  • Include promotion/publication/marketing as part of the project deliverables
  • Support, benefit, or engage communities that are historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by poverty or inequality

In addition, highly competitive projects will demonstrate and widely promote the utility of high-value forest products, such as glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber, and composite materials, in transportation infrastructure.

Preference will also be given to applied research and demonstration projects with a strong connection to industry.

Projects for higher maximum awards must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate alignment with two or more of the funding priorities listed above
  • Have been identified by the funding agency or a state(s) as addressing a time-sensitive issue of magnitude or severity
  • Involve construction that takes place in two or more eligible communities, counties, or states

Eligible costs include reasonable fees to contractors; construction and pre-construction costs, such as engineering; bid, performance, or payment bonds; and indirect costs.

Eligibility is limited to projects located in the funding agency's service area, which includes select counties in Maine, New Hampshire, and New York; and the state of Vermont. Refer to the Eligibility section for details.

This program is related to the funding agency's Catalyst Program and Forest Economy Program, known in eCivis Grants Network as US17100 and US17219, respectively.

Last Updated: February 20, 2025

Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are:

  • State governments of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, or New York
  • Local governments, including villages, towns, cities, and counties
  • Secondary and career technical centers
  • Other political subdivisions of a state, including regional planning commissions and authorities of the state
  • 501(c) nonprofit entities that are exempt from taxation under 501(a)
  • Federally recognized Indian tribes

Applicants that are 501(c) entities must be able to demonstrate established operations in a member state, as well as federal grant experience related to economic development.

Applicants must identify any co-applicants that will play a role in the completion of the proposed project in the pre-application. Co-applicants must meet the same eligibility requirements for applicants.

Projects must be located in the funding agency's service area, which includes select counties in Maine, New Hampshire, and New York, as detailed on page 5 of the NOFA file; and the state of Vermont. Projects may cover multiple eligible states or counties. In general, applicants for projects located in attainment counties are not eligible to apply, unless the project meets one of the following criteria:

  • Is located within an isolated area of distress, as listed in the DistressCriteria file
  • Is part of a multicounty project that includes at least one other distressed or transitional county
  • Is approved for a significant benefit waiver, as detailed on pages 6-7 of the NOFA file

Applicants that have previously received an award through the funding agency are only eligible to apply for additional funding if the applicant has submitted reimbursement requests totaling at least 75 percent of awarded funds, and demonstrates that 75 percent or more of the required cost share has been expended by February 1, 2025, for the spring funding cycle, or August 1, 2025, for the fall funding cycle. Applicants may request a waiver of the 75 percent expenditure requirement, as detailed on pages 9-10 of the NOFA file.

The following entities are not eligible to apply:

  • For-profit entities
  • Limited liability companies (LLCs)
  • Other entities that are not 501(c) entities, including nonprofit entities identified by a state that does not have federally recognized 501(c) status
  • Entities that will serve as conduits for ineligible entities or other entities that are not identified as co-applicants
Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
Native American Tribe
Non Profits
State Government
Application Notes:

Mandatory pre-applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. ET on one of the following dates: 

  • Spring cycle: March 7, 2025
  • Fall cycle: August 29, 2025

Prior to submitting a pre-application, applicants are encouraged to contact Marina Caceres and the appropriate state program manager using the information provided in the Contact section. Applicants in Maine, New York, and Vermont are also encouraged to complete a project interest form before meeting with their state program manager. Applicants in New Hampshire are encouraged to sign up for the technical assistance program that is available in New Hampshire counties and communities, as detailed online at

Pre-applications must be submitted online at Hard-copy and emailed submissions will not be accepted.

Pre-applications must include:

  • Overview:
    • Project information
    • Project contacts
  • Location information
  • Budget:
    • Budget periods table
    • Budget narrative
    • Funding sources table
  • Attachments (as applicable):
    • 75 percent expenditure waiver
    • Significant benefit waiver
    • LDD waiver

The following will be requested in the pre-application and will be required to receive funding:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

Pre-recorded overview sessions as well as a recording of an information session held for this program can be accessed online at

Pre-applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Eligibility, including eligible project locations, eligible applicant and co-applicant criteria, and waiver completion
  • Alignment with program priorities
  • Costs and expected benefits associated with the requested investment
  • Benefits provided to the broader community and region
  • Sustainability of the project beyond the award period

Applicants submitting successful pre-applications will be invited to submit applications, which must be received by April 18, 2025, for the spring cycle, or October 10, 2025, for the fall cycle.

Refer to the NOFA and ProjectInterestForm files for additional application information.

Match Required: Yes
Match Type: Cash/In-Kind
Actual Funds: Unspecified
Range: $25,000,000 (Max)
Match Notes:

Matching requirements will vary according to the type of county in which the project is located, as follows:

  • Distressed counties: applicants must provide at least 20 percent of total project costs via cash and/or in-kind contributions
  • Transitional counties: applicants must provide at least 50 percent of total project costs via cash and/or in-kind contributions

In general, applicants for eligible projects located in an attainment county must provide at least 50 percent of total project costs via cash and/or in-kind contributions. For multicounty projects, the required match amount will be the average of the counties that make up the project. For projects approved under a significant benefit waiver, the required match amount will be determined based on the amount of funds invested in counties designated as distressed or transitional, as detailed on page 7 of the NOFA file.

Eligible types of matching contributions include:

  • Matching contributions provided by the applicant
  • Municipal lending
  • Commitments from project partners
  • Volunteer services
  • Municipal force accounts
  • Land or other donated real property or equipment

Other federal sources may be used as a match; however no more than 80 percent of total project costs may be comprised of federal funding sources, with the exception of projects in which the funding agency is neither the sole nor the primary federal source of funding.

All proposed matching contributions must be committed within one year of award.

The following may not be used as a match:

  • Any committed or expended costs incurred prior to receiving a notice to proceed
  • Matching contributions that have been, or will be, counted toward satisfying a cost sharing requirement of another federal grant agreement, federal procurement contract, or any other award of federal funds in another project
Funding Notes:

Up to $25 million is available to support awards through this program. Minimum and maximum award amounts will vary according to project type, as follows:

  • Feasibility projects: awards will range from $250,000 to $1 million
  • Implementation projects: awards will range from $1 million to $5 million
  • Feasibility and implementation projects: awards will range from $1 million to $5 million

For awards of greater than $1 million, projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrate alignment with two or more of the funding priorities of this program
  • Have been identified by the funding agency or a state(s) as addressing a time-sensitive issue of magnitude or severity
  • Involve construction that takes place in two or more eligible communities, counties, or states

A total of 50 percent of the total funding available will be allocated to projects located in distressed counties. Refer to page 7 of the Overview file for additional information regarding distressed counties.

Award notifications will be made depending on application funding round, as follows:

  • Spring award cycle: by June 27, 2025
  • Fall award cycle: December 19, 2025

The project period will last three years.

All applicants must include National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) costs in the project budget and timeline.

Award recipients may utilize a local development district (LDD) for award administration assistance, as detailed on page 36 of the NOFA file. LDDs will be compensated for their administrative work through a reimbursement process with the award recipient. LDD award administration fees will be $8,000 for awards of up to $400,000 and for awards of greater than $400,000, the fee will be based on a formula of 2 percent of the requested award amount.

In general, funds provided through this program may not be used to support projects located in an attainment county, unless the project meets one of the following criteria:

  • Is located within an isolated area of distress, as detailed on page 6 of the NOFA file
  • Is part of a multicounty project that includes at least one other distressed or transitional county
  • Is approved for a significant benefit waiver, as detailed on pages 6-7 of the NOFA file

In general, funds may not be used for food and beverages, except for the costs of food and beverages purchased for the express purpose of a conference or forum held in support of the project that are clearly outlined in the project budget. Funds may not be used for the costs of alcoholic beverages or tips associated with the purchase of food or beverages.

Funds may not be used for:

  • Basic research projects
  • Pass-through funding
  • Purchase of property that will, in turn, be sold or donated to a private entity beneficiary
  • Assisting in any relocation from one area of the region to another
  • Supplanting existing federal programs
  • Projects that promote unfair competition between businesses with the same immediate service area
  • Application preparation
  • Meals and lodging
  • Entertainment
  • Allowance or payment of debts

Refer to page 9 of the NOFA file for information regarding additional ineligible costs.


Maine Contact:

Charlotte Mace
(207) 624-7448

New Hampshire Contact:

Ian Davis
(603) 271-0252

New York Contact:

Kyle Wilber
(518) 473-3355

Vermont Contact:

Kristie Farnham
(802) 392-5268

Primary Contacts:

Marina Caceres
(603) 724-5802

Program Staff

Agency Address
Northern Border Regional Commission
James Cleveland Federal Building, Suite 1501
53 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to the appropriate program contact.

Pre-applications must be submitted online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US17221_NOFA_FY2025.pdf (1.0 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_Overview_FY2025.pdf (272.9 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_Timeline_FY2025.pdf (180.3 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_ProjectInterestForm_FY2025.pdf (160.4 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_DistressCriteria_FY2025.pdf (3.0 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_ProjectDevelopmentGuide_FY2025.pdf (210.7 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17221_InfomationSessionPresentation_FY2025.pdf (1.9 Mb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Overview file contains general program information, including additional contact information for this program. The Timeline file contains the timeline of the application process for this program. The ProjectInterestForm file contains the optional project information form for submission. The DistressCriteria file contains additional information regarding distress criteria for this program, as well as lists of isolated areas of distress. The ProjectDevelopmentGuide file contains additional guidance regarding project development. The InformationSessionPresentation file contains slides from an information session held for this program. Additional program resources can be found online at

February 20, 2025
A recording of an information session for this program has been released, and a link to the presentation is available in the Application section. Slides from an information session held for this program have also been released and attached as the InformationSessionPresentation file. The Eligibility and Application sections have been updated accordingly.

February 19, 2025
A recording of an information session for this program has been released, and a link to the presentation is available in the Application section.

February 12, 2025
Full solicitation information for this program has been released and attached as the NOFA file. All sections have been updated accordingly.

February 5, 2025
An announcement concerning the postponement of previously scheduled information sessions for this program has been released and attached as the WebinarPostponement file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.

Grant Keywords
Northern Border Regional Commission, Timber for Transit Program, NBRC, THUD, US17100, US17219, state government, local government, city, cities, county, counties, village, town, career technical center, secondary technical center, regional planning commission, nonprofit, not-for-profit, nonprofit organization, non-profit organization, 501(c), 501(a), tribe, tribal government, tribal, Native American, American Indian, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, forest product, forest, wood, wood product, timber, transportation infrastructure, transport, transportation, transportation facility, transportation facilities, right-of-way, ROW, road, railway, rail, airway, waterway, canal, terminal, airport, railway station, bus station, parking, seaport, bus, buses, feasibility project, implementation project, assessment, assess, design, cost analysis, permit, permitting, wood material, climate change, climate, climate adaptation, global warming, facility, infrastructure, mass transit, public transit, public transportation, public transport, transit, rapid transit, boat, distressed, disadvantaged, economically disadvantaged, extremely low-income, low-income, underprivileged, underserved, very low-income, 501c, 501a, feasibility, implementation, T4T, extreme weather, carbon, storm event, sea level rise, industry, socioeconomic, glued laminated timber, cross laminated timber, composite material, wawterway, advanced wood material, ME, NH, NY, VT, secondary center, authority, authorities, Native American tribe, Indian tribe, LDD, local development district
Grant Categories
Community Development
Environment/Natural Resources
Human Services