Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC): Catalyst Program (Select States) - FY 2025
Agency: | US Other |
Office: | Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) |
Multipart Grant: | No |
Next Due: | 08/29/2025 (Multiple) |
Solicitation Date: | Unknown |
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | Unspecified |
Range: | $50,000,000 (Max) |
The purpose of this program is to stimulate economic growth and inspire partnerships that improve rural economic vitality across the funding agency's four-state region. Support will be provided for a broad range of economic development initiatives that will:
- Modernize and expand water and wastewater systems
- Revitalize transportation infrastructure
- Establish workforce development programs and facilities
- Grow outdoor recreation infrastructure and economies
- Construct new child care and health care facilities
Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate both readiness and projected direct impacts on the region’s economy and communities. All projects must be consistent with the economic development goals of the region and advance a combination of the funding agency's and member state strategic investment principles. The funding agency's investment priorities include:
- Projects that provide direct benefits to communities that have been under-represented in past agency investments
- Projects that address multiple needs across eligible infrastructure and non-infrastructure categories
- Projects that adapt to changing climate conditions and extreme weather events
Refer to pages 4-5 and 30 of the OldNOFA file for additional funding agency priorities.
Support will be provided for projects in the following categories:
- Non-infrastructure: projects include assistance in obtaining job skills training, skills development, and employment-related education, entrepreneurship, technology, and business development, as well as improving basic health care, enhancing nutrition and food security, and promotion of resource conservation, tourism, recreation, and preservation of open space consistent with economic development goals
- Infrastructure: projects typically include assistance for construction in support of transportation infrastructure, basic public infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, and renewable and alternative energy infrastructure
Refer to pages 13-25 of the OldNOFA file for detailed information regarding the eligible project categories.
Eligible costs include:
- Reasonable fees to contractors
- Construction and pre-construction costs, such as engineering
- Bid, performance, or payment bonds
- Indirect costs for work performed by the award recipient staff
Projects must be located within the funding agency's service area, which includes select counties of the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and New York, as well as all counties in the state of Vermont. Refer to the Eligibility section for details.
Program information detailed throughout this module was prepared using information from a previous fiscal year, as well as the preliminary program announcement, and should be used for reference purposes only. eCivis Grants Network will be updated with additional information upon the availability of the full program announcement.
Last Updated: February 05, 2025
Eligibility Notes:
Eligible applicants are:
- State governments of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont
- Local governments and secondary and career technical centers, including villages, towns, cities, and counties
- Other political subdivisions of states, such as
regional planning commissions and authorities of the state - 501(c) nonprofit entities
- Federally recognized Indian tribes
Projects must be located within the following counties that comprise the funding agency's service area:
- Maine: Androscoggin, Aroostook, Franklin, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, Waldo, and Washington counties
- New Hampshire: Belknap, Carroll, Cheshire, Coös, Grafton, and Sullivan counties
- New York: Cayuga, Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Genesee, Greene, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Montgomery, Niagara, Oneida, Orleans, Oswego, Rensselaer, St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Schenectady, Seneca, Sullivan, Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Yates counties
- Vermont: all counties within the state
Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate direct benefits to rural communities with populations of fewer than 5,000, and underserved communities.
Ineligible applicants include:
- For-profit entities
- Limited liability companies (LLCs)
- Non-501(c) entities
The information below is from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
Eligible applicants include public institutions of higher education and public school districts
Applications that cover multiple states may be submitted, and applicants may be funded in one state and not another.
The level of economic and demographic distress within the proposed project region will be assessed according to the community distress criteria detailed on pages 7-10 of the OldNOFA file.
Previous award recipients through the funding agency may be eligible if they meet the requirements detailed on page 13 of the OldNOFA file.
Applicants may submit multiple pre-applications to multiple programs of the funding agency for different projects; however, applicants are strongly discouraged from applying to multiple programs for the same project.
Eligible Applicants:
Local GovernmentNative American Tribe
Non Profits
State Government
Application Notes:
Mandatory pre-applications must be submitted within the following dates:
- Spring funding round: between February 3, 2025, and 5:00 p.m. ET on February 28, 2025
- Fall funding round: between August 4, 2025, and 5:00 p.m. ET on August 29, 2025
Applicants submitting successful pre-applications will be invited to submit applications, which must be received by 5:00 p.m. ET on one of the following dates:
- Spring funding round: April 11, 2025
- Fall funding round: October 10, 2025
Refer to the PreNOFA, OldNOFA and OldOverview files for preliminary application information.
The information below is from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
Prior to submitting pre-applications, applicants are required to contact their state program manager using the information provided in the Contact section for pre-application development feedback. Additionally, prior to submitting pre-applications, it is recommended that applicants in Maine, New York, and Vermont submit the project interest form, attached as the ProjectInterestForm file, to the address provided in the Contact section prior to contacting their state program manager. For applicants in New Hampshire, applicants are encouraged to sign up for the technical assistance program detailed online at Refer to page 4 of the Overview file for additional information.
Pre-applications must be submitted online at Hard-copy and emailed submissions will not be accepted.
Pre-applications must include:
- Waiver request (if applicable)
- Project title
- Co-applicant information (if applicable)
- Overview tab
- Locations tab
- Budget tab
- Forms and files tab
The following are required in order to submit an application:
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
- SAM (System for Award Management) registration
Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at
Pre-applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Eligibility, including eligible project locations, eligible applicant and co-applicant criteria, and waiver completion
- Alignment with program priorities
- Costs and expected benefits associated with the requested investment, and benefits provided to the broader community and region
Match Required: | Yes |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | Unspecified |
Range: | $50,000,000 (Max) |
Match Notes:
Projects located in a county designated as distressed require a 20 percent match. Projects located in a county designated as transitional require a 50 percent match.
The information below is from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
Applicants must provide cash and/or in-kind matching contributions based on the county(ies) the project is located in. Projects located in an isolated area of distress require a 50 percent match
In addition, applicants located in a county designated as attainment or outside of an eligible county in a member state with an approved waiver are eligible for the match rate associated with the county where the program funds are invested. Additionally, multicounty projects require an average of match rates. Refer to pages 25-29 of the OldNOFA file for detailed information regarding the match requirement based on project location.
Matching contributions may originate from other federal sources; however, no more than 80 percent of the match funding may be comprised of federal grant funding sources.
Matching contributions must be committed within one year of award.
Funding Notes:
Up to an estimated $50 million is available to support awards through this program, with an estimated $36 million available for the spring funding round and an estimated $14 million available for the fall funding round. Maximum award amounts will vary based on project type, as follows:
- Non-infrastructure projects: awards of up to $500,000
- Infrastructure projects: awards of up to $1 million
Infrastructure projects may be eligible for up to an additional $2 million, for a total maximum award of $3 million, if the project meets one of the criteria detailed on page 1 of the PreNOFA file.
Award notifications for the spring funding round will be made between June 5 and June 11, 2025. Award notifications for the fall funding round are expected to be made on December 19, 2025.
The information below is from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
Funding will be provided on a reimbursement basis. Award recipients are required to utilize a local development district (LDD) in their region to administer the award, as detailed on page 18 of the OldFAQ file.
Project periods will last for three years.
Funds may be used to match other federally funded projects when both federal agencies allow only when the total award funds from the funding agency and other federal funders do not exceed 80 percent of the total project budget.
Pass-through funding will not be provided, and applicants may not be conduits for ineligible entities.
Property purchased with award funds may not be sold or donated to a private entity beneficiary.
Funds may not be used for:
- Assisting any relocation from one area of the region to another
- Supplanting existing federal programs
- Projects that promote unfair competition between businesses with the same immediate service area
- Fees or profits to the award recipient or subrecipient
- Application preparation
- Food and beverages
- Meals and lodging
- Alcohol
- Entertainment
- Appraisals of property to be purchased or used as match
Refer to pages 12-13 of the OldNOFA file for additional ineligible costs.
Project Development and Program Priorities Contact:
Adrianne Harrison
Catalyst Program Manager
(603) 369-3001
Maine State Program Manager:
Charlotte Mace
(207) 624-7448
New Hampshire State Program Manager:
Ian Davis
(603) 271.0252
New York State Program Manager:
Kyle Wilber
(518) 473-3694
Vermont State Program Manager:
Kristie Farnham
(802) 398.5268
Agency Address
Northern Border Regional Commission
James Cleveland Federal Building, Suite 1501
53 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Contact Notes:
Questions should be directed to the appropriate program contact.
The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.
The information below is from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
Pre-applications must be submitted online at
The OldProjectInterestForm file must be emailed to [email protected].
NOFA File: US17100_PreNOFA_FY2025.pdf (287.7 Kb)Other Pre-Award File: US17100_Timeline_FY2025.pdf (128.6 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_WebinarPostponement_FY2025.pdf (51.8 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldNOFA_FY2025.pdf (1.0 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldGuide_FY2025.pdf (1.4 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldFAQ_FY2025.pdf (287.2 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldOverview_FY2025.pdf (303.4 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldFactSheet_FY2025.pdf (260.1 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US17100_OldProjectInterestForm_FY2025.pdf (160.4 Kb)
File Notes:
The PreNOFA file contains a preliminary announcement of this program’s solicitation. The Timeline file contains a program timeline. The WebinarPostponement file contains information regarding the postponement of previously scheduled information sessions for this program. The OldNOFA, OldGuide, OldFAQ, OldOverview, OldFactSheet, and OldProjectInterestForm files contain materials from a previous fiscal year and should be used for reference purposes only.
February 5, 2025
An announcement concerning the postponement of previously scheduled information sessions for this program has been released and attached as the WebinarPostponement file. The Application section has been updated accordingly.
Grant Keywords
state government, ME, NH, VT, NY, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, local government, village, town, city, cities, county, counties, political subdivision, regional planning commission, state authority, 501(c), 501(a), nonprofit, nonprofit organization, federally recognized, Indian Tribe, tribe, tribal, public institution of higher education, college, university, public school district, school district, Northern Border Regional Commission, NBRC, dump, garbage, landfill, solid waste, trash, waste collection, waste disposal, waste management, clean water, drinking water, pipe, piping, plumbing, potable water, reclamation, source water, water demand, water infrastructure, water quality, water resource, water supply, city planning, civic, infrastructure development, municipal improvement, public health, public safety, sanitary, sanitation, sewage, sewer line, sewer system, waste treatment, fix, infrastructure, investment, neighborhood revitalization, rebuild, redevelopment, refurbish, rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, renewal, renovate, renovation, repair, restoration, restore, sustainable development, urban renewal, A&D, acquire, acquisition, acquisition and development, architectural improvement, build, building, construct, construction, engineering, erect, planning, bicycle, bike path, dog park, football field, kiosk, park bench, parks and rec, parks and recreation, picnic table, play, playground, playing field, public park, restroom, sanitary facilities, skatepark, sports, tennis court, walking path, alternative energy, aqueduct, desalination, desalinization plant, distribution, drinkable water, energy corporation, factory, filter, filtration, fuel, industrial, industries, industry, manufacturer, manufacturing, plant, potable, processing, production, reservoir, river, stream, tributary, utilities, utility, career development, certification, credential, credentialing, educator, employee development, employee training, professional development, professional training, staff development, staff training, conservation, conserve, ecological, ecology, ecosystem, environment, environmental, environmentalism, green, habitat, natural resource, nature, outdoor, preservation, preserve, protect, protection, stewardship, business, economic development, employment, job, transport, transportationGrant Categories
Community DevelopmentDisaster Preparedness
Economic Development
Training & Vocational Services
Parks & Recreation
Solid Waste
Water Supply/Quality
Tourism and Hospitality