Grant Details

Strengthening Vaccine-Preventable Disease (VPD) Prevention and Response - FY 2025

Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
CFDA: 93.268
Federal FON: CDC-RFA-IP-25-0007
Office: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD) Immunization Services Division (ISD)
Multipart Grant: No
Next Due: 03/13/2025 (Application)
Solicitation Date: 01/06/2025
Match Required: No
Actual Funds: $2,000,000,000 (Estimated)
Number of Awards: 66 (Estimated)

The purpose of this program is to support public health systems to protect people and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) by equitably increasing access, confidence, and demand for vaccines. This program builds on the strong historic work of the past and lessons learned during the pandemic. This program also pushes forward with a commitment to increase vaccination coverage across the lifespan for all people and population groups.

Applicants must apply to each of the following three components:

  • Component 1: core: This component seeks to protect all people from VPDs using the following seven strategies:
    • Strengthen program infrastructure and management: invest in the critical people and the equitable distribution of resources needed to maintain and strengthen the nation's immunization infrastructure
    • Increase vaccine access: ensure that all communities and populations have equitable access to vaccines
    • Improve vaccination equity: support efforts to reduce disparities in vaccinations and pursue equitable distribution and administration of vaccines
    • Promote vaccine confidence and demand: invest in increasing trust, confidence, and demand for vaccines across communities
    • Enhance data and evaluation: invest in enhancing existing data systems and creating new tools to improve the quality of data and of program outcomes
    • Strengthen program support for partners: invest in enabling and building partner capacity in immunization across the country
    • Enhance vaccination response readiness: invest in improved systems, data, and capabilities to respond to emerging threats and improve readiness across the nation
  • Component 2: rapid small-scale response to VPD outbreaks or other public health emergencies: This emergency component is intended to be approved and funded as a baseline practice, and future years' funding levels will depend on funding availability. This component is funded to support additional activities needed within a budget period for a moderate response to a VPD outbreak or other public health emergency. Eligible activities include improving vaccine confidence, increasing vaccine uptake, and increasing public health infrastructure or staff. Funds provided for the outbreak of activities may only be used after notifying and consulting with the funding agency.
  • Component 3: rapid large-scale response to VPD outbreaks or other public health emergencies: This emergency component is intended to be approved but unfunded (ABU) as a baseline practice, and future years' funding levels will depend on funding availability. This component would be funded to support additional activities needed within a budget period when funding is made available for a substantial response to a VPD outbreak or other public health emergency.

Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed populations, communities, and geographic or catchments areas have:

  • Low vaccination coverage rates
  • Low vaccination access
  • Low vaccination confidence and/or demand
  • A disproportionate burden of vaccine preventable disease infection or mortality rates

Eligible costs may include those in the following categories:

  • Salaries and wages
  • Fringe benefits
  • Travel
  • Equipment
  • Supplies
  • Contractual
  • Other, including consultant costs
  • Indirect costs
Eligibility Notes:

Eligible applicants are:

  • The 51 state health departments or their bona fide agents, including the District of Columbia
  • Local health agencies or their bona fide agents, if they serve a city population of 1.4 million or more
  • All U.S. territories and the Freely Associated States in the Caribbean and Pacific, including American Samoa, Guam, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Freely Associated States of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of Palau, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands

For cities without a public health department, the county covering the jurisdiction may apply.

To implement a successful vaccination program, applicants are expected to collaborate and coordinate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), other CDC-funded programs, and recipients of CDC's Immunization Services Division's awards. Applicants will also need to collaborate with partners in their jurisdiction that support the achievement of the program strategies and outcomes, as well as American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) tribes.

Applicants must apply to each of this program's three components, and must submit only one application that includes the work plan and budget for all three components.

Eligible Applicants:
Local Government
State Government
Application Notes:

Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on March 13, 2025.

Applications must be submitted online at

Applications must include:

  • Project abstract (1 page max)
  • Project narrative (20 pages max)
  • Budget narrative
  • Attachments:
    • Table of contents
    • Indirect cost agreement (if applicable)
    • Resumes and job descriptions
    • Organizational chart
    • Three letters of support
    • Report on overlap (if applicable)
  • Other required forms:
    • SF 424
    • SF 424A
    • SF LLL (if applicable)

The project abstract, project narrative, and budget narrative must be uploaded in .pdf format and must be formatted on single-spaced, numbered pages with one-inch margins in 12-point black Calibri font; however, footnotes and text in graphics may be 10-point. Attachments may be uploaded in .pdf, Word, or Excel formats.

The following are required in order to submit an application:

  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number
  • SAM (System for Award Management) registration

Applicants may obtain a UEI number and verify or renew SAM registration status at

Applications will be evaluated according to the following technical review criteria:

  • Background and approach
  • Evaluation and performance measurement
  • Organizational capacity

Refer to the NOFA file for additional application information.

Match Required: No
Actual Funds: $2,000,000,000 (Estimated)
Number of Awards: 66 (Estimated)
Match Notes:

Matching funds are not required for this program.

Funding Notes:

A total of $2 billion is expected to be available to support an anticipated 66 cooperative agreements through this program. A total of $400 million is expected to be available per 12-month budget period, and the expected average award amount per 12-month budget period is $6,060,606.

Applicants must apply to each of the following three components:

  • Component 1: core: the funding formula is a weighted jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction calculation made up of the factors listed on pages 6-7 of the NOFA file
  • Component 2: rapid small-scale response to VPD outbreaks or other public health emergencies: the estimated yearly funding is $250,000, as available
  • Component 3: rapid large-scale response to VPD outbreaks or other public health emergencies: the estimated yearly funding is $3 million, as available

Refer to the Allocations file for a list of the allocations available through this program.

The anticipated award date is June 25, 2025, and the anticipated start date is July 1, 2025.

The funding agency plans to award projects for five 12-month budget periods for a five-year period of performance.

In year one of Component 1, applicants must budget to attend a three-day program kickoff training in Atlanta, Georgia, for at least one staff member. In years two through five of Component 1, applicants must budget for at least one staff member to travel to Atlanta, Georgia, for a three-day reverse site visit.

In general, funds may not be used for:

  • Clinical care
  • Pre-award costs
  • Publicity or propaganda purposes
  • The salary or expenses of any award recipient, or agent acting for such recipient, related to any activity designed to influence the enactment of legislation, appropriations, regulation, administrative action, or executive order proposed or pending before any legislative body

Funds may not be used for:

  • Research
  • Food and alcohol
  • Building purchases, construction, and capital improvements
  • Entertainment costs
  • Honoraria
  • Land acquisition
  • Interest on loans for the acquisition or modernization of an existing building
  • Payment of bad debt or collection of improper payments
  • Promotional or incentive materials
  • Vehicles, including trailers
  • Event security
  • Furniture

Primary Contact:

Randi Tolstyk
(770) 488-5114

Grants Management Contact:

Kathy Raible
(770) 488-2045

Agency Address
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30329

Contact Notes:

Questions should be directed to the appropriate program contact.

Applications must be submitted online at

The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.

NOFA File: US18387_NOFA_FY2025.pdf (926.7 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US18387_Allocations_FY2025.pdf (68.5 Kb)
File Notes:

The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Allocations file contains a list of the allocations available through this program.

Grant Keywords
Strengthening Vaccine-Preventable Disease Prevention and Response, United States Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, NCIRD, Immunization Services Division, ISD, 25-0007, vaccine-preventable disease, VPD, health, human services, health and human services, vaccine, vaccinate, vaccinated, vaccinating, vaccination, prevent, preventing, preventable, prevention, disease, disease prevention, disease response, public health, public health system, protect, protecting, protection, equity, equitably, access, accessible, accessibility, vaccine confidence, vaccine demand, Section 317, Vaccines for Children Program, VFC Program, immunize, immunized, immunizing, immunization, vaccination coverage, public health threat, health equity, Public Health Service Act, PHSA, vaccine supply, outbreak, vaccine access, vaccination equity, VPD outbreak, public health emergency, public health emergencies, state health department, health department, local health department, local health agency, local health agencies, public health department, public health agency, public health agencies, state health agency, state health agencies, territory, territories, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Republic of the Marshall Islands, immunization infrastructure, vaccination confidence, equitable access, vaccine inequity, vaccine inequities, misinformation
Grant Categories
Health, Prevention/Treatment
Human Services