Eastern Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) (Florida) - FY 2027-2029
Agency: | U.S. Department of Transportation |
Office: | Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) |
Multipart Grant: | No |
Next Due: | Unknown |
Solicitation Date: | 01/06/2025 |
Match Required: | Recommended |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | $11,100,000 (Estimated) |
The purpose of this program is to provide safe and adequate transportation access to and through federal lands for visitors, recreationists, and resource users. This program supplements state and local resources for public roads, transit systems, and other transportation facilities, with an emphasis on high-use recreation sites and economic generators.
Proposed projects or studies must be associated with a public highway, road, bridge, trail, or transit system that is located on, is adjacent to, or provides access to federal lands for which the transportation facility's title or maintenance responsibility is vested with the applicant. Applications will be accepted for the following projects:
- Capital improvements: rehabilitation, restoration, construction, and reconstruction of roads, bridges, multiuse trails, and other long-term transportation system asset improvements; this includes improvements such as safety improvements, widening, realignments, surfacing, culverts, signing, guardrail, walls, and associated roadway appurtenances
- Enhancements: road- and trail-related improvements such as interpretive signing, kiosks, viewpoints, adjacent vehicular parking areas, roadside rest areas, provisions for pedestrians and bicycles, acquisition of scenic easement and scenic or historic sites, trailheads, trails, and improvements that improve public safety and reduce vehicle-wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity
- Surface preservation: surface preservation of roads, trails, and adjacent vehicular parking areas; this includes chip sealing, crack sealing, and aggregate courses
- Transit: construction of transit facilities and limited-duration operation/maintenance of transit services and facilities, and the purchase of transit vehicles
- Planning: engineering feasibility studies, corridor management planning, bicycle/pedestrian planning, and alternative transportation system planning
- Research: evaluation of solutions that enhance access, safety, or sustainability
Eligibility is limited to applicants in Florida.
This program is on hold and currently not accepting applications for FY 2027-2029. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available.
Last Updated: February 04, 2025
Eligibility Notes:
Eligible applicants are state, county, tribal, and city government agencies that own or have maintenance responsibility for the transportation facility involved in the project. Applicants may also supply a letter from the facility owner/maintainer indicating the application is being submitted on its behalf.
Applicants must be located in Florida.
Applications must be sponsored and/or supported by the appropriate Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA) unit whose access would be enhanced by the proposed action. State departments of transportation (DOTs) are eligible to deliver their own projects. Local agencies requesting to deliver their own project must be certified by the state DOT or demonstrate prior experience with the use of federal transportation funds to deliver projects in compliance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations.
The FLMA benefiting from the project is not eligible to apply.
Previous award recipients include:
- City of Jacksonville (Duval County)
- City of Crystal River (Citrus County)
Refer to the Award file for additional information on previous award recipients.
Eligible Applicants:
Local GovernmentNative American Tribe
State Government
Application Notes:
Applicants choosing to have the funding agency provide project delivery services must request this option at least 30 days prior to the application deadline by contacting Lewis Grimm using the information provided in the Contact section.
Applications will be accepted beginning on February 3, 2025, and must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on May 2, 2025.
This program is on hold and currently not accepting applications for FY 2027-2029. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available.
Applications must be emailed to the appropriate address provided in the Contact section.
Applications must include:
- Application form, including:
- Applicant and project information
- Project description
- Safety benefits
- Accessibility and mobility benefits
- Preservation benefits
- Economic development benefits
- Sustainability and environmental quality benefits
- Appropriate FLMA signature and/or letter of support
- Attachments such as cost estimates, maps, and photos (10 pages max)
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Initial screening (200 points)
- Project rating (100 points)
Refer to the NOFA, Guide, Application, and EvalCrit files for additional application information.
Match Required: | Recommended |
Match Type: | Cash/In-Kind |
Actual Funds: | $11,100,000 (Estimated) |
Match Notes:
Matching funds are not required for this program; however, because of the limited amount of FLAP funding available in each state in any given federal fiscal year, applicants may provide additional funds beyond the requested amount of FLAP funds to contribute to the project. Cash or in-kind contributions from sources other than FLAP are allowed but cannot be used as a factor in the evaluation of projects; however, applications will receive additional consideration when funding is leveraged from other sources. To be competitive with other projects that are fully dedicated to improving access to federal lands, applicants may consider providing a commensurate level of non-FLAP funds to the project.
In-kind contributions may include right-of-way (ROW) acquisition and utility relocation costs
Matching contributions may not include:
- Title 23 or Title 49 federal funds, excluding Federal Lands Transportation Program funds or Tribal Transportation Program funds
- Equipment
- Any work done prior to execution of agreement with the funding agency
- Materials
- Force account
Funding Notes:
An estimated $11.1 million is available to support awards through this program.
This program will support a multiyear program of projects for federal fiscal years 2027 through 2029.
Funds may not be used for routine maintenance projects, such as potholes, mowing, snow removal, and same-type guardrail replacement.
For FY 2023-2026, two awards were issued through this program. Refer to the Award file for details.
Lewis G. Grimm, PE
Planning Team Leader
(703) 404-6289
(703) 629-1450
Fax: (703) 404-6217
Richelle J. Ellis
Access Program Planning Coordinator
(703) 404-6333
Fax: (703) 404-6217
Agency Address
Eastern Federal Lands
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
22001 Loudoun County Parkway, Building E2, Suite 200
Ashburn, VA 20147
Contact Notes:
Questions regarding project eligibility or the application process should be directed to the program staff. Questions may also be directed to any of the FLAP Programming Decisions Committee (PDC) members listed online at highways.dot.gov/federal-lands/flap/fl.
Applications must be emailed to [email protected].
The agency address provided is for reference purposes only.
NOFA File: US16348_NOFA_FY2027-29.pdf (147.4 Kb)Guide File: US16348_Guide_FY2027-29.pdf (202.1 Kb)
Application File: US16348_Application_FY2027-29.pdf (2.2 Mb)
Other Pre-Award File: US16348_FAQ_FY2027-29.pdf (362.2 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US16348_EvalCrit_FY2027-29.pdf (94.1 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US16348_WebinarPresentation_FY2027-29.pdf (3.6 Mb)
Award File: US16348_Award_FY2027-29.pdf (230.4 Kb)
Other Pre-Award File: US16348_Postponement_FY2027-29.pdf (112.5 Kb)
File Notes:
The NOFA file contains the full solicitation for this program. The Guide file contains detailed application instructions. The Application file contains the required form for submission. The FAQ file contains a list of answers to frequently asked questions regarding this program. The EvalCrit file contains information regarding the application evaluation criteria for this program. The WebinarPresentation file contains the presentation slides from a webinar held for this program. The Postponement file contains information regarding the hold placed on this program. The Award file contains information on previous award recipients.
February 4, 2025
This program is on hold and not currently accepting applications for FY 2027-2029. eCivis Grants Network will be updated if new information becomes available. Refer to the Postponement file for additional information.
Grant Keywords
Eastern Federal Lands Access Program, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHW, Florida, Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division, EFLHD, highway safety improvement project, HSIP, facility, infrastructure, passenger, mobility disadvantaged, transit dependent, transportation disadvantaged, cargo, commercial vehicle, freight, goods movement, trade, accessibility, accessible, connect, connection, connectivity, network, DOT, FDOT, transport, transportation, USDOT, beltway, bypass, connector, entrance, exit, expressway, freeway, grade, grade separation, highway, interchange, interstate, overpass, parkway, ramp, right of way, road, roadway, ROW, street, underpass, mass transit, public transit, public transport, public transportation, rapid transit, transit, densification, density, mixed-use, sustainable development, TOD, transit village, transit-oriented development, urbanism, intermodal, multimodal, park and ride, transit center, transportation center, active transportation, alternative transportation, bicycle, bicycle lane, bicycle trail, bicycling, bicyclist, bike, bike lane, bike trail, biking, crosswalk, cycletrack, cycling, cyclist, greenway, human-powered, nonmotorized, pedestrian, protected bike lane, rail trail, recreational trail, sidewalk, walk, walkability, walkable, walking path, bicycle lift, bicycle locker, bicycle rack, bicycle storage, bike locker, bike rack, bike storage, bikeshare, intersection, rotary, roundabout, traffic circle, traffic control, traffic light, traffic signal, city planning, fix, investment, neighborhood revitalization, rebuild, redevelopment, refurbish, rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, renewal, renovate, renovation, repair, restoration, restore, urban renewal, facilities, replace, replacement, retrofit, upgrade, FLAP, Federal Lands Access Program, MAP-21, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act, FAST Act, studies, study, construction, construct, build, acquisition and development, acquisition, acquire, reconstruction, culvert, signage, sign, realignment, guardrail, safety, safe, public safety, trail, parks and recreation, parks and rec, boat, boat launching facility, boating, dock, waterway, walking, capital improvement, kiosk, viewpoint, parking area, rest area, sanitary facilities, water facilities, sanitary facility, water facility, trailhead, chip sealing, crack sealing, helipad, ferry dock, feasibility study, feasibility studies, engineering, engineer, plan, planning, research, HISPA, highway safety improvement projects, economic growth, economic development, economic driver, tribe, tribalGrant Categories
Community DevelopmentEconomic Development
Parks & Recreation